You poor homophobes are so offended and I’m loving every second of it. It’s 2018. Time to find something else to cry about. Moving on.
[quote]You poor homophobes are so offended and I’m loving every second of it. It’s 2018. Time to find something else to cry about. Moving on.[/quote] Where did you get homophobes out of? I haven't seen anyone in this post saying anything derogatory about the gays. I have seen people making the point that ana/Rasputin seemed a far more interesting angle for the comics to explore in depth . . . given that this was the whole jist of the dlc. Victim much?
Victim? Of what? I’m perfectly comfortable with who and what I am. No ignorant piece of shit can change that. Are you comfortable? Cause your response says the latter.
[quote]Victim? Of what? I’m perfectly comfortable with who and what I am. No ignorant piece of shit can change that. Are you comfortable? Cause your response says the latter.[/quote] So who's the ignorant piece of shit? Me, op or the rest of the world? The way you reply to my last sentence is very telling, it's very childish. You can't argue with what I wrote so your best response is; "Are you comfortable? Cause your response says the latter." My response said nothing about me, you don't know me any better for having read it, keep the playground replies coming, I find them amusing.
Edited by gizzamaluke: 7/12/2018 12:15:39 AMThe OP is homophobic, bioschocker65. Implying that something is "FORCED" upon you against your will when LGBTQ people simply want to be included, is homophobic. It misunderstands the true desire of the LGBTQ community and the basic need for ALL humans to be understood and included. To take time out of your day in order to argue against that, in any way for any reason, is homophobic.
So very true
Ah, I knew this would stir the SJW pot!
Sorry for being a rational human being. Carry on.
Phh! Liberals...
Phh! Bigots.
Phh! Politics...
Edited by gizzamaluke: 7/12/2018 12:17:01 AMSorry, Nate... you were the first to bring up the politics. You don't get to use it to shut down your argument. But nice try ;) [quote]Phh! Liberals...[/quote] [quote]Phh! Politics...[/quote] ^ both of these are your own quotes
Phh! The disaffected and disinterested youth.
Edited by Dredgen iko: 7/12/2018 12:25:57 AMI know right, try to make a rational point and get attached anyway I thought they wanted diversity, but I guess it’s only if you agree with them
Exactly this. So much for the tolerant left.
No tolerance for bigots. Ever.