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Eww. People who whine this much really need to get out more, this is honestly just sad at this point.
Agreed. Having the focal point of that comic be Ana Bray's sexuality is as stupid as if it were to focus on her hair colour. Cool, she's gay. No one -blam!-ing cares. Tell us about Rasputin.
Holy shit the bait caught so many people's attention
You’d think everyone would have to be on baby making duty when humanity is hanging on by its fingernails.
Forced diversity? LMFAO...Wow!!!
Newsflash : Noone cares
Bungie has no right to talk about diversity, or being a friend to the LGBTQBBQ cause when all they do is räpe my wallet.
I like pancakes and my favorite time to eat is breakfast :)
Edited by GenXer: 7/12/2018 8:17:00 PMThis should be in off-topic. Seriously, if the comic affects your enjoyment of the game so much, you should play another game. Your comments make you look like just another homophobe in sheep's chortling (edit: er, clothing). #banal
I agree that it’s not true diversity. I’m not saying gays are bad or some stupid crap. I’m saying that straight people exist too and it’s garbage that devs are forgoing good character development in favor of a virtue signal. A game that did sexual diversity and good character development was Fallout New Vegas, if you didn’t play it this game, get it and get Veronica and Arcade Gannon, Veronica’s sexuality played a bigger part in her development. But Arcade was awesome. Actually all the companions were awesome. Play the game #NotSponsered
I don't mind diversity but you can't just throw it in without development or build up like any romance novel. It just feels... forced and disconnects me from the characters.
Edited by The Spoken: 7/12/2018 4:16:06 PMEugh... Here we go again... What the -blam!- is forced diversity? Diversity is just a fact of life, whats with this whole campaign against forced diversity in games?? A- What evidence outside of your own prejudice and assumption, do you have that the diversity is forced? B- What the -blam!- is wrong with having ONE gay character? your acting like its an epidemic in the game. I remember when people thought Devrim Kay was gay... wow, that was a cluster-blam!-... nobody even heard it from Bungie, but all of a sudden, 'Bungie was forcing an SJW agenda down everyones throat because of a rumor'
Wait, what? Ana Bray is gay?
Edited by TheArtist: 7/12/2018 11:40:34 AMThank you for putting your personal prejudices on display. What you just did is called a "double-standard"...and it is one of the more subtle ways in which prejudice manifests itself. NOWHERE in that diatribe did you ever hold being HETEROSEXUAL to the same standard. Amanda Holliday is a openly HETEROSEXUAL woman in this story....and it becomes a focal point during the Lake of Shadows strike when she's cooing like a schoolgirl with a bad case of the hornies while she's listening to Commander Zavala and Devrim Kaye's deep baritone voices over the comms. The cooing is so obnoxious that Zavala has to ask her to go away so that they can run the mission. The Ana Bray comic isn't "forced diversity" (as if there is such a thing anywhere except in the mind of a bigot). IT ANSWERS A FUNDAMENTAL QUESTION OF ANY WAR OR ARMED CONFLICT: ***WHY ARE WE FIGHTING**. A question that went unanswered (on an emotional level) in Destiny 1, and that is now finally being addressed (I wish I had a dollar for everytime someone came here and complained "I feel no emotional connection to the City.") The comic is showing and telling you all the reasons why one of the Vanguard's greatest heroes FIGHTS. Whether its with her Golden Gun...OR WITH HER MIND in terms of trying to reconstruct her past and reclaim the Golden Age technology that her family pioneered. Like most people who go to war, THEY FIGHT TO PROTECT THE THINGS...AND THE PEOPLE...THEY LOVE. [i] The Sword of Life. [/i] They are willing to die, so that OTHERS might live in peace and safety. It only happens to be---in this case---one of the people she loves happens to be another woman..AND YOU ARE UNCOMFORTABLE WITH THAT. Well GET OVER IT. Because I gaurentee you that many of the people who are now fighting for you around the globe in the US military are gay....and are fighting to protect a loved one of the same sex....and are hoping to come home safely to that person. That's the real world. ...and Art Imitates Life. The world you seen to want doesn't actually exist. ITs more fictional than the one you are complaining about being shown to you.
Hey guys, I know it’s all the rage to get all upset about everything these days, but try not to [b]get too offended [/b]by the gay people in your video game comic book.
Edited by Dr_Latrino_Bidet: 7/12/2018 7:46:38 PMSo it's clear that the angry white, alt-right is well-represented in video game forums. Being able to post anonymously also encourages trolls and the like to pop up. Plus video games are predominantly a lower class male hobby. That's why I am here, lol! Wouldn't be surprised if the OP and several others here are paid Russian trolls. Bottom line this is meant to divide us. People are acting awful to eachother in this thread and that is exactly what these people want. The comic sucked. Her being gay didn't make it better or worse. Get over it. One thing I have never understood. I am a white male and don't feel the least bit threatened by all of this diversity stuff. Am I missing something? How does diversity adversely affect me?
Edited by TheMangoMamba: 7/12/2018 7:42:25 PMWatch the vid for context, people. Goddamn [url=http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin%27s_law]-godwinslaw!-[/url].(just wanted to see the censor)
I am getting sick of forced "diversity" in all my forms of entertainment because it's so obvious it is done just for the agenda/quota sake (almost every single movie or show now has at least one token homosexual character) rather than to try and give an actual better representation of society and humanity's true diversity. There are exceptions that can put in their "diverse" characters and not have it stick out so bad and in those instances, I welcome it. A good example for me is Brooklyn Nine Nine as the Raymond Holt character is great, is my favourite character, and he doesn't come off as being put in there just to force diversity or any leftist agenda. Leftists won't be satisfied until their "diversity" is not having any hetero white males in any form of entertainment because in their odd brains, any white hetero male in something means no diversity. Somehow. It's just like how leftists only care about free speech if the person talking is saying what the leftists want to hear. If you dare say anything that goes against their beliefs then they want to silence you. Note that this is leftists and not liberals. Liberals are generally fine.
Well they are set up in Washington state. Home of the most dildo hats per capita.
Eris morn is straight
I like the fact Ana enjoys lesbionics. *continues peeping
someones sexual preference has never been on my list of concerns for a character trait of anyone... to each his own... i've pressed "O" to skip every single story in both D1 and D2, i dont get involved with the story or game characters at all... i just shoot aliens in the face!
I don't know if that ~1 year on your account represents your total time in Destiny or not, but if you'd been here for the D1 lore and paid any attention to it, you'd understand this isn't forced diversity at all: it's actually quite central to the development of Cayde as a character. Ana falling in love with someone of the same gender is one of the factors that helped shape Cayde's personality and motivated him to make certain choices that leads to him being the character he is now. There is even a mission in D1 where this story gets told, by Cayde himself, as you climb a rickety old pile of crap colony ship to get to the top and destroy an echo of Oryx. I get where you are at, because I am not a fan of someone weaponizing their life choices to get attention and make others feel less comfortable, but that's not what's going on here at all. It's a long-standing part of the game history at this point, and it's not like you can't play the -entire- game without having this pushed in your face...in fact, if you aren't intimately familiar with the lore, you might not even catch a single hint of the relationship in-game. Bottom line, nothing is wrong with this character arc being a thing, at all, and if it bothers you that much, you need to examine your motivations and thought process to determine why that is. Personal growth is a good thing, determine if you need to get some of that.
Forced diversity is the only reason the Guardians are not wearing helmets on the D2 box art.
Edited by Vex: 7/12/2018 6:10:48 PMDoesn't really bother me in this game. If bungo doea anything to add depth to thier game I will support it as long as its not retconning shit. Whats funny to me is there are 2 instances in this game where people mention loving relationships and both of them are same sex. Now don't get me wrong Im all for Ana and Devrim loving whomever they damn well please but why are they only ones to have the spotlight? Can anyone name another plot related relationship in D2?