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Edited by Assassin7O: 7/9/2018 6:57:52 AM

Destiny 2 Prestige Calus (Checkpoint) Assistance!!

Hey there everyone.. Me and someone need assistance with Prestige Calus.. I want my Achievement for completing Prestige itself and He wants his achievements which he will earn two achievements.. One is for beating the raid for the first time and for beating the Prestige for the first time.. Now we are looking for around 4 Players that are dedicated and NOT Rage Quit.. And that they have experience on The Void Room.. Me and my buddy do a great job against Crowd Control (Killing many Ads but not the Symbol Important Psions!).. So this means he and me will be on Crowd Control.. The difference between Normal Calus and Prestige Calus is the part with the Void Room only.. Basically once all of us get teleported into the Void Room and three goes back to the Throne Room. Somepoint soon, After it's time to hit the Important Symbol Psion that was not called, Once that certain person hits that psion.. He will then get teleported into the Void Room and Someone Randomly in the void room will get teleported back to the Throne Room... It is mostly easy fight.. Except there is a major problem.. According to my 4 groups that had to disband because they had to go.. They kept having problems in the Void Room due to some strange glitches.. A lot of them were also being bumped into the Air by Psions in the Void Room.. Please if you do assist me and my friend.. Please be careful in the Void Room. I am a Sunbreaker Titan 356 -357 Light Level and my buddy is a Nightstalker Hunter 350 - 358 Light Level.. Please do assist us. I be keeping an eye on this forum.. Thank you. (Edit: Looks like he changed his mind.. He doesn't want to do the raid anymore... Sorry for about that everyone.)

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