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7/3/2018 7:50:19 AM

Important! FWC stopped giving 380 gear today 7/2 at rank up!

I have been pledged to Future War Cult this week and I have been getting proper 380 gear all week for ranking up with tokens. Unfortunately, tonight I ranked up 2x to test and got 377 gear in spite of being 385 on this same class (I have 3 warlocks 385). Can someone explain why gear is suddenly less thank 380? I doubt it was rng before because I literally got 380 gear every time I ranked up this week. Why did they change the FWC drops? And can we get Bungie to give us proper 380 gear next faction rally like we have been getting all week before they changed it?
#destiny2 #FWC #RAnk

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  • The drops normally rotate between vendors... yesterday.. Brother Vance was dropping 380 gear. There’s a useful website you can use to check which vendor is dropping 380 gear 🤙🏻

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