Refer to attachment
Edit: masterwork should not let you live from a rocket, whoever thinks so is a -blam!-. It’s not balanced at ALL, like stormcallers can’t live anything, and any time I’ve killed something like a sun breaker they die and stay dead. Arcstriders also like to survive landfalls, pathetic. Stop making excuses to dickride your favourite no-skill dodge class.
I cold hearted agree the arcstrider is specifically built for PVP. Almost all their armor is geared toward mobility I haven't seen 1 hunter that has less than 7 mobilility. And now that hornhusk crown pretty much gives their health back and the dodge is regened after like 10-12seconds. The dodge Definately needs to be looked at. Arcstriders are purely made for PVP.
Defender Titan, Armamentarium and two suppressor grenades. You will not be disappointed. Watching that same Hunter then tea bag the air trying to dodge away and get his health back is what brings me the greatest joy in life. Add Tractor Cannon if you really want to be "that guy".
Edited by bAd-0pTiKs: 7/5/2018 9:48:45 PMOmg...obviously you don't understand the Class. Not only did this Hunter apparently have full MW Armor, which would give him around +20% protection if we include an exotic slot taking up one piece, but he ALSO did a Dodge JUST as you fired your rocket. It would appear as though he's utilizing Bottom Tree Arcstrider, which has Quick Reflexes, which grants you additional Damage Resistance "during" the Dodge. This will stack with the MW, which in turn stacks with the Super's inherent +Damage Resistance from Arcstaff. So, him surviving with roughly 15% HP from your direct hit rocket, with all of those parameters? Yes, I think so, definitely so. And it took skill to actually TIME that rocket to the moment of impact and come slay you. Don't get salty, give him a hand. That was well played on his part. You were caught in an enclosed hallway area, where vertical maneuverability was severely limited. That is the Stomping Grounds of all roaming supers. How are you surprised that you didn't survive that encounter?
repeat with me slowly "master work armor" if u do not know what this is, then go check it out. remember, u can stack 4 of them.
But PVE with Raiden Flux.....why is that a bad thing for your team to have on their side? Or is this a salty PVP Thing which would make the PVE game worse...standard
No it's not.
Edited by ElectroHail: 7/3/2018 9:33:49 PMArcstrider, Dawnblade, and Sunbreaker are for players who are not very talented.
it's called masterwork armor
So are sunbreakers but no one cries about that. It’s really not that bad except that other supers don’t compare.
I was playing it back when everyone was hating on it. Ohh how the times have changed.
I think it was a combination of dodge from way of the wind and master work armor. Though I can't really see if that's a direct hit or not. And don't cluster rockets usually have less damage from direct hits anyway? Because all the clusters missed him.
You missed, the cluster bombs hits later. If he wasn't arc stepping.... You would have gotten him. Try a tractor cannon, so fun. You know they throw a fit or the controller.
Rocket wasn't a direct hit. Splash damage just very nearly killed him. Dodged his way out of the delayed cluster bombs. Nope. Working as intended.
Seems like someone who's having fun to me. Arcstrider rules!
It's great in PvE.
Looked good in that clip to me, he pawned that guy
Aww.. poor little nerf herding cry baby. Instead of crying for nerfs. How about we buff the other supers to be on par.
Remember when everyone laughed and called it Pole Dancer? I want y'all to keep that energy now that Arcstrider is being recognized as the awesome super it's always been.
Edited by IGotYour6: 7/4/2018 7:35:02 AMJust one of the many reasons Arc Strider average KDA is 20% higher in Trials on console than every other sub class in the game. The other sub classes need buffs so they can compete because its been like this for quite a while now. Here is last weeks stats if you are curious [url][/url]
Edited by Soupreem: 7/3/2018 9:03:27 PMLooks to me like he dodged right before the rocket hit the area, getting out of the lethal range. Any roaming super can do this, they just use a different ability to do so... You have summoned me.
Uh, so what's the problem? He's probably running three Masterwork armor items. That's the way it should work.
Bump, they need to be nerfed.
I saw nothing in that clip that was BS. You shot 1 rocket at a super and it survived. Nothing new there. Strikers/sunbreakers and sentinels survive rockets as well.
Should we say titan and warlocks are bs when they have even more health after a direct hit of a rocket....
Yeah bud rockets haven’t killed supers since ever. Nothing new here.
I have seen better yet people think nova bomb is needs a buff. but also be aware that i was in the air when the strider killed me, i was literally above him. how can a strider dodge out of a nova bomb radius when it is thrown on top of them.