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Edited by Concordia Kitsune: 6/25/2018 10:31:43 AM

Star Wars Story: Bossk's Revenge, Part 4

Sorry for delay! On their way to Sullust, Bossk checked his ship and got everything in order. Gladlin was amazed at how Bossk was so prepared for literally anything. There was a plan A, B, C, and D, Bossk claimed. Pollen canisters, carbon monoxide barrels, security cameras, and even a droid that came online and attacked when intruders boarded the ship. Not to mention the scout ship [i]The Pup[/i]. "Approaching planet Sullust," Cell notified the others. "There will most likely be Imperial Star Destroyers orbiting the planet," Gladlin said. "Sullust is one of the empire's 4 major bases in the galaxy." "The [i]Hound[/i] can disengage hyperdrive safely inside of the atmosphere," Bossk told them. He strapped himself in, and took manual control of the ship. Instinctively, he disengaged it. The [i]Hound's Tooth [/i] lurched and sped down towards the ground. Bossk pulled up, and they were soon speeding towards Sorosuub Centroplex, the base where they would find the autoturret plans. The Sullust base was incredibly large, spanning over ten miles. Star Destroyers were built, and alloy was manufactured here. Twelve TIE fighters were in each one of the base's hundred hangars. AT-AT's were not uncommon. "This place is crawling with Imperials," Gladlin muttered. "This is nothing," Bossk replied. Just then, something struck the ship's engines. "Autoturret, down there!" CEL-3 hollered. Bossk activated shields and brought the ship closer to the ground. The giant, heavy duty autoturret scored a direct hit. Engines 2 and 3 went down. "Nothing I can do about that," Bossk growled angrily. He was forced to dive for the nearest place that they could land. The [i]Hound's Tooth[/i] landed close to a Sorosuub pipeline system. Bossk, Cell, and Gladlin exited the ship. "The Sorosuub Centroplex is across this pipeline system, just after the Sorosuub refinery," CEL-3 told them. "Move with stealth," Bossk said. Stay indoors. It's our best chance to evade the Imperials. The three began their journey to the Centroplex. Officer Liam Gue stood on the bridge of his Star Destroyer. He was in orbit over Sullust at the time. Darth Vader had appointed him to oversee the mass production of the autoturrets. He had a brand new crew as well. "Officer Gue, we may have found something," one of his men told him. "Less then 5 minutes ago, autoturret 9oX fired and disabled a freighter." "Search for the freighter!" Officer Gue exclaimed. "Got it," said the pilot. "By the Sorosuub Pipelines. Number XK-317. The [i]Hound's Tooth[/i]. "That's it!" Officer Gue yelled. "It's Bossk!" He turned and spoke over the Star Destroyer's comm line. "Send a squad of TIEs to the Sorosuub Pipelines." He then notified the base of intruders. Soon, troop transports and TIE fighters were buzzing over the pipelines. "Not good," CEL-3 sighed. "We can't risk being seen by those TIE fighters," Gladlin said. "I'm with Bossk. Stay indoors as much as possible." They continued through the pipeline area. "This is easy enough," Bossk chuckled. They rounded the corner of the tunnel they were in and came into a large control room. Waiting for them was a squadron of Stormtroopers. "Surrender!" Their captain shouted. Gladlin and Cell threw their hands in the air. Bossk dropped his weapon. "Inform Officer Gue we have them," a Stormtrooper told another. Bossk leaped into the air above their heads, and before they could react, threw a dioxis grenade. Poisonous gas filled the room, and all the stormtroopers fell dead after a moment. Without any drama, Bossk picked up his weapon. "Come on. We got a long way to go still."

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