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Edited by Grays_KS27: 6/20/2018 6:54:51 PM

Survivors Ch.20: The Black Garden

Note: Words spoken in the Eliksni language are italicized Table of Contents Ammunition hammers the Mind, vaporizing against its rotating shields or punching holes through its metal shell. It releases shrill mechanical wines and looses bolts of energy, scorching stone and eradicating soldiers with deadly precision. Sinekis and I duck behind a rugged rock with my fireteam. The Winter Captain watches the Mind as he hisses, [i]"Now we fight, Vanguard. But you will need a bigger gun, yes?"[/i] He reaches behind one of the men and pries away the rocket launcher strapped to his back, handing it to me. "It's, um, already loaded, sir," the man informs unsurely, "But shouldn't you let us-" He's interrupted by the loud hiss of the weapon firing, and a rocket smashes into the exposed side of the Mind. The giant Hydra shrieks and sweeps its crimson gaze around the room, unleashing a malicious stream of blasts at everything that moves. I return the rocket launcher to its owner and procure my rifle, joining the others in their attack on the Mind. Sinekis stands behind us, studying the Hydra intently over our shoulders. My gun clicks empty and I duck, leaning against the stone and starting to reload. As I slide out the used clip and let it drop, one of the men crouches down to do the same. He catches sight of Sinekis through the goggle-shaped visor of his helmet and asks, "Don't mean to push any boundaries, but why isn't the Captain helping?" Sinekis growls slightly, and I shove a new magazine into my weapon while he rests his hands on his sheathed shock blades and berates the man in our tongue, "I wield blades, Dreg. Not efficient against that machine." "Sorry, sorry," the man grunts, fumbling with his fresh magazine, "I meant no offense. You ain't got any gun to use?" Sinekis removes a shock pistol from his bandolier and shows it to the man mockingly. "Alright, fair enough," the man surrenders. I stand and return to shooting at the Mind, and the man mimics me. The Mind's barrage tosses up earth and bodies, but the onslaught proves too much for the machine and it finally falls to the ground, breaking apart and erupting in one last explosion. As it does, the barrier that had been blocking our way vanishes. Everyone is still for a moment, thankful for the respite from battle, but the break is brief and we file onward. [i]"Now you are Mind-Slayer as well, Vanguard,"[/i] Sinekis declares with a teasing glance. He chuckles when I don't object. A grand stairwell leads us down to a large opening, where we are once again met with open air and a view of the maze. Now a bridge of thick stone descends into the maze, and the crews stop hesitantly. [i]"I believe we are now entering the true Black Garden,"[/i] Sinekis observes with a hint of distaste. An orange bolt darts up into the front line, punching a hole through the head of a Dreg and leaving it to burst in a spray of ether. The soldiers curse and fire down at the handful of Hobgoblins guarding the bridge. Several more bolts fly into the ranks before the exchange is finished, then the crews begin their descent into the walls of the Black Garden. More Vex are stationed at the base of the bridge, but they are quickly dispatched from afar, and the invasion force enters the maze. The high walls tower over us, casting shadows in the narrow passageway, and broken chunks of stone litter the path. We turn two corners and into a circular enclosure. By the time I get in behind everyone else, the Vex there are destroyed. The crews stop and we all gather in the enclosure, packing tightly in the space. Sinekis plows through to a cylindrical slab of rock in the center and my fireteam and I follow him up onto it. We look over everyone's heads to the next enclosure. It's a dead end, punctuated by a giant sealed gate. A sizable force of Vex patrol the area, marching mechanically among cubic obstructions of stone and metal. "We have found the heart, yes?" Sinekis deduces, "On the other side of the gate." I nod agreement, then I notice the Servitors drifting towards us through the crowd, led by a Captain. When they are close enough, the Captain addresses me, [i]"Vanguard, everything here is one machine. There are Clusters down there that our Servitors can manipulate to get us to the heart."[/i] [i]"Very well, Captain,"[/i] Sinekis clicks, turning to me for approval, [i]"We will storm this place. Vanguard, I ask that you stay here. Your Commander has stressed your safety, and you may be needed for what lies beyond that gate."[/i] "What, now he cares about the Vanguard's safety?" I hear the woman behind me scoff quietly, "Didn't seem too concerned earlier." I show no intention of resisting Sinekis's request, so he calls to the crews, "Send in the assassins first, then we will tear apart the machines!" At his command, a Captain and crew of Vandals make their way out of the gathering and activate their stealth skins. Now invisible, they leap down to engage the Vex. The space quickly erupts into chaos, and Sinekis begins howling to organize the crews as he sends them out. We watch as the strike force plows through the Vex, clearing out the center. They encounter heavier resistance around the Clusters, where the Vex are present in larger numbers, but it's not long before the firefight ends. Sinekis ushers the Servitors forward, and the rest of us trail behind them. The Servitors split up, heading for the Clusters, while we weave between rock formations and ascend an uneven staircase to the closed gate. After a short wait, a spire of Vex programming springs to existence in front of us. Guns snap up in response, but nothing happens. The Captain that had overseen the Servitors joins us and informs, [i]"It is ready. Place the eye in the spire."[/i] Sinekis barks for everyone to prepare themselves while I procure the Gate Lord's eye. I study the cracked lens one last time, taking in the sinister red glow. Then I thrust my hand into the spire.

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