originally posted in:Destiny Fiction Producers
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(Just to clear somethings up. Tex cries because his light is corrupted and his eyes are from an acolyte. My bad for not explaining it. *Bows*)
Location: CTG (Crucible Training Grounds)
Tex's POV
[b]Bang Bang Bang[/b]
The rounds from my Handcannon rang out as they pounded on my targets. This was child's play. I threw my blades at a vex head. My knives exploded right on its dead eye. All you have to do is aim, and fire. Simple.
"Alright... Get on your ship. I'm taking you into the crucible." Shaxx said as he set down his AR. "With that aim, you should be able to rise to the top!" His voice said it all. I just stared at him as he boarded his ship. He thinks I have the potential to rise above the rest...
Para's POV
2 hours after leaving the training grounds.
I watched as he burned through guardians. He ate the bullets that were fired at him while firing with pinpoint precision. Never missed a shot... just like Ian. He began to grin while killing guardians. Even supers didn't affect him. It's like he absorbed them without any effort. I had to face him now. The match ended and he transmitted back to the lobby. Everyone stared at him like he was some monster... His eyes scanned the room looking for an opponent... until they landed on me. A grin appeared on my face as I walked over to him.
"Care to have a duel?" Ian said as he emptied out his last mag. "I still need to perfect my aim. And you don't seem like a bad player... unlike the other cowards in this room." Everyone's eyes became harsh at that very moment...
"Sure, why not. Only, I have one requirement." I said under my hood. "If you lose, you have to come with me. Basically, you become my bitch." That made him grin. His eyes scanned me for anything. Then they stopped on my Redeemer.
"Alright. If I win... you hand over that Scythe. It'll be a nice weapon and trophy of my victory." He said as he began to set up the next Arena. I felt my grin getting bigger and my Darkness running wild inside me. I felt myself being transmitted to a different planet... No, wait, a ship. The Dreadnought. The timer began to fall from 10... My grin fell as I pulled out my Redeemer. This... is going to be so much fun!
Quotes: Talk big, lose big.
Master Post: https://www.bungie.net/en/Groups/Post?groupId=1371758&postId=238025691&sort=0&page=0
The pieces are coming together, and the full picture looks very interesting