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Edited by Spawn: 5/13/2018 12:26:49 AM

Glory - Crucible Ranking is DUMB

Let me start by saying that the Valor ranking I understand and that it makes total sense. But the works on wins and losses and nothing else? I don't really see how that is fair for solo player's or how this style of ranking system made it into the game in the first place. If I get 20 kills with a high K/D and my team loses because of any variety of reason's (players AFK, players are multitasking/texting, players are new at the game, players are trying out new guns, etc) my rank goes down??? That's not really fair at all. Solo players already can't participate in Trials of Osiris because of no matchmaking but now solo players are getting penalized in quickplay as well. Not everyone has a dedicated all star crucible team they can always play with. I mean, even if I did, I'm up at weird hours so they might not always be available anyway. That would essentially put me in a predicament to where I would be better off NOT playing the game till they logged on so I didn't drop rank with randoms. Please reevaluate and make it more based on individual performance (combination of kills, assists, k/d, zone captures, crests secured, etc). That way everyone gets their fair share. ***Edit 1: To those saying that Glory doesn't apply to Quickplay, I realize my error. By "Quickplay" I meant any non-Trials crucible mode that has matchmaking... thank you for pointing this out. ***Edit 2: To all the nay sayers, I had a team in D1. But D2 generally sucked and people stopped playing. So I don't have as many people to play with as before, and the few I do are mainly PVE players. So I don't really see how that's my fault. If anything, it's bungie's fault. I simply asked for a ranking system based on personal performance. I don't see how I'm being hated on for that. I shouldn't have to go around trying to meet a bunch of randoms to get a good rank. The player I am today would be the same player I would be if I had a team. MY rank should depend on MY actions/performance. Not you trolls. Maybe the solution is adding a 3rd ranking system. One that is individual performance. That way everyone is happy. People in teams will still have their Glory. [spoiler]Moderator edit: This thread has been moved to #Feedback forum so that other Destiny players can weigh in.  [url=] See Cozmo's thread here[/url] for more information about the #Feedback tag and its uses. Feel free to private message the moderator who moved your post, link to topic for further clarification about why this topic was moved.[/spoiler]

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  • Points for wins should be increased and points lost on losses should be decreased and capped at a 3 streak instead of 5. Comp matches are much longer than quickplay matches, so more points earned would make up for time lost.

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