Every once in awhile playing this game, I think in the back of my head (this is what I fantasized Destiny would be like before it came out).
Decided to finally try out Warframe last week, I'm 80 hours into the game and have hardly scratched the surface when it comes to content & loot. I have no idea what the hell happened to Bungie after they were acquired by Activision, but it's been a constant downhill slant..
Warframe on the other hand, has devs who are dedicated to their community... not their publisher, and oh man does it show in-game....
So far I've met nothing but friendly people who are willing to patiently elaborate on the many complex systems of the game. The premium currency can be acquired through player trading, so there's no need to ever spend money on the game (removing the player to player economy was Destiny's death knell IMO).
Destiny 2 was so supremely underwhelming and backwards, I just can't see myself playing the next game. This is coming from someone who has purchased and enjoyed every single Bungie title since Halo:CE, it's just so damn sad...
Thanks for all the good times since 2004 Bungie, but it looks like you've lost sight of your quest for world domination.
I tried it, then I uninstalled it after a few hours of gameplay. Pretty boring gameplay IMO, I find D2’s more exciting. Not shitting on people who like it, but I definitely see why it’s free to play.
No thanks. I prefer being human.
No. 3rd person shooters mostly suck
I simply couldn't get into Warframe. It was just...boring. I tried it once around when it first launched on the PS4, then again a year later (they must've done an overhaul during that time, since I started at the beginning again...but it had a different starting mission). The main thing that keeps me playing Destiny are the gameplay mechanics, not the loot, not the progression, not the lore, the gameplay. If I find the core experience of a game boring, I'm not going to care about any other aspect of it. It's the same reason why I couldn't get into No Man's Sky, despite it getting major overhauls
Be careful advertising Warframe on these forums. That game has WAAAAY to much depth, content, and complexity for these Desticles to handle. Their brains start to hurt, and it makes them angry. We should just let them grind their extremely simplistic strikes and public events. Just don’t make any sudden movements, or you’ll startle them!
Thanks for the suggestion, but Warframe is certainly not for everyone lol.
We’re how many years into Destiny and people are STILL trying to sway other to play that game? It’s not as great as people make it out to be
I was deeply disappointed when bungie did a complete reset. Really missed an opportunity I think. I started playing warframe and since last big update they are on the right track. I find that it has everything I was hoping for in destiny. I never made a microtransaction in Destiny but have many times happily in warframe to support the game. I love the eco system and trading. I like when weapons and gear stop dropping making rare items actually rare and FUN to trade for. Wish bungie would treat fans like digital extreme has been doing.
No Try Monster Hunter
No thank you. Stop telling us on a Bungie forum to play a non Bungie game you jerk
80 hours in a week? Slow down my man
Lol, mr24 here. Game has kinda taken over my free time. One of my biggest favorite things that warframe does is that it doesn't punish the player when new content comes out. Nearly every item in the game can be made to hold value, to the player or to the in-game economy (admittedly, they kinda crushed it with us being able to hold on to vaulted relics but 2000 plat is way too much for ember so it had to happen). Now if I can get my damn kohm riven to roll status chance...
Eh.. I have it.. but I think I've done more damage to the walls by flying into them than actually killing enemies.
Omg!! I’ve been seeing these post since year 1 destiny and everyone that plays this games knows about the amazing free game that’s called “warframe”. I played this game 3 years ago and 4 months ago and while it has become better it still is awkward, not beginner friendly and the Game is nothing like destiny.
I downloaded Warframe last week and decided to give it a go, it's kind of fun and I like the gameplay but there's no real hints as to where to go next to craft anything (at least not that i've discovered, i've got a warframe chassis blueprint and another whole warframe blueprint, but i'd like pointers of where to go to actually find the parts i need to build them)
How many registered losers, i mean users playing right now?
Edited by Saintly: 5/8/2018 6:32:32 AMTried it didn't like it. It made me feel like I was playing as a 4 year old on a sugar rush. Then it crashed and burned. Never playing it again.
Bungle really has tanked. It's sad, really...
Warframe? What's that? Never heard of it before on the forum..
Already playing it buddy.
Are you getting a paycheck from the Warframe developers for this PSA? You should definitely look into getting Digital Extremes to reimburse you for your advertising efforts.
Tried it, hated it, 3rd person shooters just don't work in my opinion.
Well, WF seems to be a love it/hate it type of game. I actually tried it back in 2014 not too long after D1 dropped and couldn’t get into it so I came right back to Destiny. When D2 dropped, I couldn’t believe how far back the Destiny universe regressed and at this point I just feel a little sadness to think of what could have been. I’m clearly not the only one because at about the same time, SkillUp dropped his excellent review of WF. TL;DR Give it a try but understand it’s a game that can be maddening and sometimes almost too complex. I think one of WF biggest weaknesses is that sometimes it doesn’t help direct the new player very well. However, that is also its strength as it really rewards the player willing to put in the time and effort. I’m now playing everyday and am really enjoying it. I’ve only scratched the surface of this game and I’ve been playing since the end of September. I’m still finding stuff in game that I either didn’t notice or understand when I first started playing. Go watch SkillUp’s review of WF and the other videos he’s done on the WF universe/community. Spoiler alert...the community and developer are way more cooperative and sincere than the Destiny/Bungie community has ever been IMO.
You put 80 hours into the game in a week? You are definitely the type of player that Warframe was aimed at.
Welcome to the Tenno-verse! You will most definitely love it there. I am clocking upwards of 500 hrs in Warframe. I am MR18+ and steadily climbing ranks. Have done most of any and all content in the game. Understand the mechanics, trading, damage 2.0, mods and most things warframe. I love playing every single day!! There are several great things about the game as well as DE .... but there is one single most glaring and gaping hole in Warframe which DE hasn't been able to fulfill ----- THE REASON to team up with your friends ----- The matchmaking system is so rampant and smooth in WF that at times you wont feel the need to team up or wait for players to join you say from your friend list ... most things can be done either solo or pub mm .. the times you do need to team up you can easily find people from recruiting chat. This in a lot of ways has made the experience "isolated" and less social imo. See in Destiny we have raids and strikes and team pvp (you fare much better in a team than soloQ) - but in Warframe ever since they removed the 8 man trials feature there is no valid reason to team - MAYBE they will bring it back .. maybe we will have trials again Warframe and reason to team up will be back with a bang. But until then.... Also one of the biggest reasons to not get too hung up on WF vs Destiny is because pretty soon you will miss shooting your gun IN FIRST PERSON!!! Surah Tenno ... if you need a clan in Warframe hmu with a pm ... We got awesome things going in both games so why not enjoy both !!! (Although Bungie -- Warmind REALLY is your LAST chance / and if pvp doesn't get better its all over for you)
Edited by M0WBZ: 5/7/2018 5:37:10 PMI tried. But as with the division, 3rd person is just not for me. Been playing el dorito, its awesome and if you loved halo multiplayer i recomend you check it out.