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Edited by FoMan123: 3/27/2018 11:27:02 PM

I'm Sorry Bungie

Unpopular Opinion from the get-go, but every story has more than one perspective. Yeah, you messed up, we all know it, you know it. But who has lived without making mistakes or thinking they know best, its human nature. You thought you knew what we wanted, you didn't. But as a community we don't know what we want either, the forums and subreddits are contests of the most popular opinion for people angry and upset to bandwagon on, that makes us worse than those who made a mistake. Moving forward, if we can't be mature enough to accept mistakes happen, if we can't be reasonable enough to simply move on until the problems are fixed WITHOUT plaguing the remaining playerbase with our personal vision of what this game should be, we will send Bungie astray. Control your emotions, this game is an escape, not your reality, save the anger for the issues in the world that truly deserve it. Godspeed, i'll see some of you online. I hope this rekindles my passion for this beautiful fictional universe. Edit: Voice concerns, do not bully people who had no say over the launch state of D2, [spoiler]Moderator edit: This thread has been moved to #Feedback forum so that other Destiny players can weigh in. See [url=]Cozmo's thread[/url] for more information about the #Feedback tag and its uses. Feel free to private message the moderator who moved your post, link to topic for further clarification about why this topic was moved.[/spoiler]

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  • Wow.... this is sad. They LIE to your face and you apologize to them. Is your memory so short that you don’t remember all the shady things this company has done. These weren’t mistakes either. It was calculated and planned. They used dirty business practices and out right deception to make a quick dollar. I seriously hope you are a bungie employee, I could understand that... this is definitely something they would do.

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    5 Replies
    • Edited by Boof Timex: 3/27/2018 7:06:55 PM
      Horse manure. They ripped us off. They knew it was a weak game. They marketed it very well. Bungie have a saying, “we make games we want to play”... they disregarded their core beliefs and disregarded their loyal fans to for a money grab. Bungie have also been saying they want Destiny to me more than a game, they want it to be peoples hobby. Peoples main activity next to work and family should be taken seriously. Cmon man! The old Bungie would hate what they’ve done. Market research, focus group feedback, risk averse for broad player base = watered down and spoon fed mediocrity. They know it. They neutered themselves and once that happens balls can’t be reattached. You should grow some.

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      27 Replies
      • OMG! Dude, BUNGIE is a multi million cooperation. They use marketing/PR to CREATE THE ILLUSION that they work out of their garage BUT they are NOT! Everything they do-EVERYTHING they plan has nothing to do with the players wellbeing. Those are corporate decisions to maximize profits, mate. You have to applaud BUNGIE's PR and Marketing for having Fanboys write these kind of sincere statement/loveletters. Seeing how brand value brainwashes people is frightening.

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      • Mistakes are fine. Repeatedly saying your listening while making the same mistakes over and over over is not acceptable on any level. Re skins have been an issue since launch. Everyone has complained and what do we get for loot this update? Re-skinned garbage. It is the same song and dance over and over. I want to like this game again. I want to play it. I am not playing it to earn a sparrow with some soda bottles strapped to the side. Sparrows serve no purpose other than getting from A to B so why not make some kick ass designs? Nope......same shit different day.

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      • Edited by TheShadow-cali: 3/27/2018 9:06:13 PM
        [quote]But as a community we don't know what we want either, the forums and subreddits are contests of the most popular opinion for people angry and upset to bandwagon on, that makes us worse than those who made a mistake.[/quote] I'm sorry OP, but I do not agree with this.There is a huge difference between People that make mistakes in life that actually learn from them mistakes and move forward. Then People that keep making the same mistake over and over and over again going nowhere in life. I also disagree that the community doesn't know what they want. Especially knowing they been giving feedback that has been loud and clear that this company has ignored for 3+ years. Edit: Over a hundred thousand replies between them 2 wish list and it was all thrown in the trash by this company. And that is just the wish list...

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        24 Replies
        • No. We know what we want. Bungie knows what we want. They just don't care. Btw, before asking not to plaguing with 'personal vision', could OP please tell me what is the 'public vision' of what this game should be? Or, who could decide this 'public vision'?

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          • Bdobbins said it best: "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me six or seven times in a row? I must be a Destiny fan."

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            • No, we KNOW what we want. All the feedback over the last 3 years, tells them what we want. You don't speak for all of us.

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              • [quote]You thought you knew what we wanted, you didn't. But as a community we don't know what we want either, the forums and subreddits are contests of the most popular opinion for people angry and upset to bandwagon on, that makes us worse than those who made a mistake. [/quote] It's the developer's job to separate what's important from what isn't. Destiny had a solid core base of dedicated players who loved the game they created even with it's flaws. Destiny 2 should have been an opportunity take feedback from that community and make improvements in order to attract an even wider audience. Instead they got greedy and decided to completely overhaul the game in order to try to build a game for everyone, and ended up alienating most of their dedicated fans by doing so. A persistent online game (or MMO-lite as some call it) by definition requires a significant investment of time that just isn't compatible with the idea of casual gaming. Bungie's mistake wasn't listening to their core community, most of us agree on 90% or more of what was good and bad about D1. Their mistake was listening to those who left the community in the first place, and trying to attract a group of gamers whose goals are incompatible with the type of game Destiny is. Because of this D2 feels like a game with an identity crisis. Now too casual for most hardcore fans who like the RPG/Looter/MMO elements, and still too much of a time commitment for casual players who don't have 2+ hours/day they can devote to a persistent online game. So don't blame the community, we are the voice, Bungie is the filter and it's their job to decide who they are, what they want Destiny to be, and execute that vision. By that measure Bungie failed that test in every regard.

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                • Edited by xxPieruchoxx: 3/27/2018 7:44:25 PM
                  Man you are extremely blind, extremely naive or you work for Bungie. D2 was no Bungie mistake at all, the awful, half cooked, broken, boring, game with no deep that D2 is, was created on purpose to get the max profit with the minimum develop cost. D2 was a way to milk the cow to the last drop without feeding or even giving water to the cow, 100% short time greed at the maximum posible level. Bungie over hype the game on purpose, lied to us many times on purpose, scam us in all the posible ways and for you all that garbage are a casual mistakes ???? WTF !!!

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                  • Edited by Swiftlock: 3/27/2018 9:03:40 PM
                    [quote]But as a community we don't know what we want either[/quote] Uh, no. People wanted a sequel to be better and more satisfying than its predecessor. There's been plenty of good, thoughtful, constructive posts and videos by community members. Bungie had [b]three years[/b] to learn from developing D1, but here we are. They respond to feedback with "we're listening!" and "we hear you!" and yet they still awkwardly dance around the game's biggest problems.

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                    • Sorry but the OP is delusional. I chose to gave Bungie the benefit of the doubt for D1, despite being extremely vocal about its glaring faults and all the news that came out after launch (incidents with Joe and Marty, the discovery of cut content etc.) Then they told us they were rebooting the whole thing with D2, gave honestly quite a bit of detailed information about the new systems and how things would be better. Except they ended up being worse than vanilla Destiny, which frankly is unnacceptable. Even now their hubris is on full display in the weekly updates with cheeky responses. At some point you gotta realize that at least 1 of 2 things is true; 1) They're grossly incompetent or 2) They clearly just do not give a damn and will continue to do things their way and tell us to like it. Then there's the horrendously slow rate at which they patch their game, which I'm sure is compounded by the garbage engine they use that takes 8+ hours just to load a single map for editing. I don't hate the IP, quite the contrary - I love the concepts and the lore and what Destiny could/should be. But I also realize that it likely won't ever see that potential realized, at least not in Bungie's hands. Destiny should have been the next major defining FPS much the same way Halo was for a generation of kids/teenagers, instead it's likely going to go down as one of the biggest failings ever. They had something truly magical on their hands, and they squandered it. And frankly I'm getting beyond sick of this happening - 1st it was final fantasy 14 (which I know is going strong but I actually liked where it was heading towards the end of 1.0 better) then Paragon (damn you Epic, same thing too they just did not listen to my fellow founders at all and worshipped Reddit/their own opinion) and now Destiny. D3 will come out I have no doubt, but I'm willing to bet it won't be received too well and will likley be the end of this IP, and Bungie will only have themselves to blame. Don't forget they're also facing stiff competition from Anthem, The Division 2 and Borderlands 3 all of which should be out within the next 10-12 months. Just pains me to see Bungie destroy themselves like this. I had an absolute ball with the alpha/beta in PvP, honestly the most fun I'd had with an FPS in ages (or at least the early days of battlefield 3) and made a lot of friends too. But it's just been a downward spiral since launch and while there were some fun upticks (like VoG) there's no denying the final result. And sadly if this does end up tanking the way many are predicting, Activision will probably finish Bungie off for breaching their contract :/

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                      8 Replies
                      • Edited by BIGwillestylz: 3/28/2018 12:17:05 AM
                        Mistake? Mistake? This shit isn’t a mistake this is deceit. Bungie is freaking full of liars, cheaters and greedy executives. You need to grow up or you life is going to be full of people taking advantage of you. Bungie didn’t make a bunch of little mistakes that were misinterpreted as deceitful practices. Nah, they purposely set out to weasel as much money as they could off a subpar product. They knew it was subpar that’s why it’s deceit.

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                      • I agree with what your saying, however; when an escape or solace is not enjoyable then the stresses of life will undoubtably stay uneasy! Basically, I use gaming as stress relief, it’s also my chosen entertainment for the past forty years as it challenges my ADHD like nothing else as it stops my mind from over thinking and I use that focus and extra energy and alleviate any stress I have at the TV screen and not those around me, hence I rarely use a headset lol I notice changes in everything I see, pick them apart constantly, scrutinise and ponder! Destiny 1 and Destiny 2 have confused me, caused me to scrutinise like no other due to its total lack of evolution, the contracts signed are not in line with what we receive, nor are these game what Bungie originally promoted! It’s pointless trying to compromise with ignorance as ignorant is as ignorant does! Bungie isn’t listening and nor do they adhere to their promises! Peace dude!

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                      • Well said, well said. "Everyone is human, we make mistakes and we try to figure out what we want, deal with it" That's at least how I sum up what you said.

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                      • Everyone who is talking shit to you are idiots. You make a fair point. We wanted more primary gunfights in pvp, now we want less gunfights in pvp. We want to go faster, now we don't because we want to kill someone is 0.2 seconds without them escaping. We wanted less blanket nerfs so bungie took away random rolls to fix that, now we want random rools, meaning we will also get blanket nerfs (Or buffs?) again. This community is now worse than CoDs community. Someone has an opinion? witchhunt them. You like something Bungie did? witchhunt.

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                        • I totally disagree with everything you said. All I can say is you have a very short memory.

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                        • What? A rational post accepting responsibility and not blaming others for your mistakes. This is 2018! You're supposed to rage and flame everyone who has a different opinion than you. Also through a # in there too.

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                        • Na blam D2. They ruined it and they have to pay the consequences. No AAA title -blam!-s things up this bad

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                        • There are many problems with D2, whether it be the fact that they removed most of the crucible types or that the loot system is absolutely absurd. The fact of the matter is that they dropped the ball. Instead of learning from their mistakes in D1, they only added more issues. The biggest issue is that the game is boring. There is next to no endgame content and it is pretty much pointless to level up after a certain point. There is no reason to keep playing the game. [u]That is Bungie's fault.[/u] Not the players. It is not our fault that we don't want to play anymore. The fact that they lost a large portion of their fan base is a testament to the fact that Bungie has messed up. [u]This was not a simple mistake.[/u] This was a series of bad choices and repeated disappointment as seen with the utterly underwhelming DLC content. When confronted about these issues, Bungie refused to reply and remained silent for months, not revealing anything about their plans. Although they are making steps to fix this, this should have never been allowed to happen in the first place. They completely ostracized their own fan base. The fans have every right to be upset. We wanted Bungie to succeed, but all they seem to do is disappoint and avoid giving straight answers. Of course there is distrust when Bungie says they are going to fix things. They don't deserve an apology. I haven't touched D2 in months and I don't know if I ever will. It disappoints me because I love D1 and wanted to love this game, but everything I loved about D1 is not in D2. And likely never will be.

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                        • -blam!- off with your "as a community" bull don't speak for us.

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                        • You can be sorry for yourself. Don't speak for other people though.

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                        • I hate when people say, "save the anger for the issues in the world that truly deserve it." Here's a crazy thought...people can be angry at multiple things at once! Crazy, right? I can be angry that I got food poisoning. I can be angry at Bungie producing a lackluster sequel while being one of the most seasoned game devs in the industry and having three years of feedback. I can be angry about many things at the same time. Just because I voice my opinion or dislike on an app designed for that game doesn't mean I'm withholding equal, if not more, dislike for things going on outside of that game. Now, as far as accepting the mistakes of Bungie and that being an indicator of maturity - I disagree yet again. If I had to view my maturity based on this game then it would be that I wouldn't fall for the same 'we're listening' and 'keep giving feedback' cycle again and again.

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                        • Why do you think you are speaking for others? You're certainly entitled to your own opinion but get the -blam!- outta here with the "we" BS. You damn sure ain't speaking for me.

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                        • #realitycheck? really? I suggest you read up on the forums .. start 3 years back and then post.. Your post should have been #apologist

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                        • One of the biggest load of tripe I have read OP. Yes we all make mistakes but, what! are we into year 4 of Destiny and still Bungie screw up every time! Of course it was a mistake to reboot D2 into a turd, it was a mistake trying to make us believe Eververse is not a cash cow, it was a mistake lying to us several times. Do I need to go on! Sorry OP you and I are simply at the opposite end of the spectrum and if possible further.......

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