So there has been an Xbox One X enhanced update for Destiny 2 not too long ago. I wanted to bring it up as, to be honest, the update was a sort of disappointment. For me at least.
As far as I know, the only significant changes were simply enhanced resolution( 4K )and HDR support. I can't help but feel like Bungie missed an opportunity here. They could've done more. The lack of 60 FPS refresh rate is the biggest disappointment.
I know that, even though Xbox One X is a powerful platform, it's not exactly comparable with a high-end PC. However, even if it wasn't possible to add 60 FPS support to Pve part, the console could easily handle 60 FPS in Pvp. Take Gears of War 4 as an example. The game looks substantially better than Destiny 2 even without the enhanced update. Yet still, Pvp in the game runs at 60 FPS both without the update and with it. However, for Pve( campaign and Horde mode )there are 2 'enhanced' options to choose from: visuals and performance.
'Visuals' emphasizes on graphics while sacrificing the frame rate( 4K and 30 FPS )and 'performance' adds 60 FPS with minor improvements to graphics. Imo, Bungie should consider something similar for Destiny 2 as it'd make the game that much more enjoyable.
That's my two cents on the subject. Over and out.
4k&60fps will be the D3 main advertised feature, that's why you can't have a D2 with these features now.
Everything Microsoft does is a disappointment
Edited by megatron1984: 3/16/2018 2:15:55 PMBungie has already stated D2 will stay at 30fps.
Swat The Bot
Bungie fan. Here since 2008 - old
[quote] Ps. I'm not sure where I should've posted this topic so I apologize if I chose the wrong category.[/quote] It's about Destiny 2 so it belongs in the #Destiny2 forum.