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Edited by The Spoken: 2/21/2018 3:02:59 PM

When the next DLC drops, will you hit it and quit it, or stick through to D3?

Hit and quit, I want my moneys worth


I'm stickin', I've been with it this far...


I'm not going to play the DLC


Edit: By Hit and Quit I mean, you bought the season Pass and now you're locked in for the content, or lack thereof. I've been watching for some sign, something worth logging on for. I've rediscovered Fallout New Vegas, and Mad Max, tooled around on GTA V, flew some VR spaceships in EV: Warzone, and I also went outside... and I've realized, Destiny 2 is a piece of cake to put down. Literally, I have not thought about D2 until I decided to check the forums this morning. Upon inspecting the newest posts I thought, what am I doing with my time? This Dev is expecting me to return for the DLC, and with that; hook me for Destiny 3. But it won't, I'm playing fun games, now. Games that actually suck me in. My clanmates might be disappointed, or they won't be, they'll probably just say whatever and keep playing. But me? no. I'd rather waste time doing something I haven't done a billion times now. I'll stay in the forums while I have the game, mostly because I enjoy reading and tasting the salt. Submitting this in feedback, because it'll just end up here anyways

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