"Most rewards are found within a new Crimson Engram"
The keyword here is: [b]MOST[/b]
You'll all be crying when you want that full set of Armour, but you find it's behind a Paywall; aka EverVer$e.
Edited by a_dmg04: 2/7/2018 11:05:16 PMAll rewards can be obtained either through the Crimson Engram, or through specific gameplay requirements. The items not within the Crimson Engram are listed in the Crimson Days blog post: [quote]• Complete the milestone “Welcome to Crimson Days” by finishing five Crimson Days matches and visiting Lord Shaxx in the Tower to earn the Fire of the Crimson Days Emblem and the Tirastrella Ghost Shell. • Complete matches in the Crimson Days Crucible playlist for a chance to earn the Undeterred Exotic Sparrow. • Complete either the Leviathan Raid or the Raid Lair: Eater of Worlds to claim the Dieselpunk Exotic Ornament for Wardcliff Coil from the final chest. • Complete the Nightfall Strike during the Crimson Days event to earn the Flaunting Dance Emote.[/quote]
What set of armor? There is no armor idiot
There is no "PAYWALL" anywhere in Eververse everything can be obtained without paying for anything. Stop trying to change the the definition of the term "paywall" to fit into your "I am a victim" narrative..
Edited by GETGHOST21: 2/9/2018 1:45:37 PMThis is why Bungie is requiring people to buy D2 to be on the forums, bc of negative gimps like you. Good Riddance enjoy your last days here.
Bitch, bitch, moan, moan. If you don't like it don't play. Go away. That'll teach 'em. Or you could go on with this pathetic trolling. Your choice.
Everything else can be bought with bright dust. Re read the whole article and engage brain. Not a single penny is needed to get anything. Good effort at toxicity but you look foolish. Bungie have actually trumped you.
Factually incorrect, you imbecile. NONE of the Crimson Days items can be purchased with Silver. All but a select few of the items are available through Crimson Engrams. Crimson Engrams are guaranteed to reward you with gear you don't already have, meaning NO duplicates until you've already gotten everything, AND are earned EXCLUSIVELY through gameplay. Ergo, absolutely no Silver involved whatsoever in obtaining Crimson Engrams and the items contained within. The few items not obtainable in Crimson Engrams are awarded for completing specific challenges during the week the event is live. Ergo, absolutely no Silver involved whatsoever in obtaining those items either. Sure, you can buy items directly with Bright Dust...but seriously, when Crimson Engrams will be available in limitless supply (you get them through literally levelling up, for -blam!-'s sake), there really is no need for you to do that.
Except that you can't buy Crimson Engrams; one can only [i]earn[/i] them through gameplay. Sure there will be a "select few" items available through EV for Dust. But one cannot directly buy Dust. Yes it may come from EV items, but those are available without spending a dime. If one does manage to actually spend money to buy Bright Engrams to dismantle for Dust to buy Crimson items with said Dust then... well, that idiocy is on them. If I'm being honest, I wouldn't care at all if they sold Crimson Engrams as long as we could still earn them through gameplay. If someone wants to buy overpriced cosmetics [u]for a game[/u] then again, that's on them not Bungie. Just my opinion.
Emblems, shaders, skins, nope, if there's no weapons or armor specific to the event then I'm not wasting my time.
it's just a cosmetic event that can be barely even called an event. thinking of getting hyped for this is embarrassing.
Don't listen to that Jerk DMG. Listen to me. Yes we put all armors behind a pay roll because we know how easy it is to take full advantage of our gullible fanboys. Yes they'll spend endless amounts of $$$$$$ on EverVerse since that was our goal from the very beginning. While some of you might be crying i'll be laughing all the way to the bank.
It's not crimson pays bit it is just more reskins of the same stuff we have had for the last however long, I'd rather they focus on getting fixes and new content in the game instead do these boring events.
Crimson engrams can only be earned through gameplay. I've been salty as hell too buddy - but read the notes first. This time - they are actually trying!
There is no crimson armour lol it is a few sparrows, coloured ghosts and emoji that's it not worth doing in my opinion
Only thing I'll pay for at this point is a motion capture emote of dmg himself. What action will it be guardians?
Dude you got destroyed by dmg
Is that you, Viper?
So...reading. Do you do it? CAN you do it? "Crimson Engrams will only be earnable through gameplay" "There are also five new rewards found exclusively for players who complete the following: (list of activities follows) Not that I play much right now to begin with, but if you gonna post something, at least get your facts straight. These inane, ignorant posts by illiterates are just s***posts wasting people's time.
Edited by Razzar8: 2/8/2018 9:06:38 AMI hope it's people like you that will end up being banned from these forums lol
You got rekt by dmg lmaoo
Lmao dmg04 got your ass [i]~Sentinel America[/i]
Yeah. See you online the following week.
Non-4v4 PvP. New game mode, new map. Event rewards available by leveling. It's all promising. So yes, looking forward to trying it. I'm not doing cartwheels or offering to have Luke Smith's baby. Just a measure of cautious optimism.
Wool? Or have they pulled our pants down lol It's 5am..... Zzzzzzzzzz Might skip the reskin event, not quite sure yet!
Crimson days should be called crimson scam ...... only a idiot would believe this shit.
Most means most. Like 69% +