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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
Edited by NightBloomsFell: 2/7/2018 1:32:24 AM
[b]The Lie /They have a right to know[/b] [spoiler]i haven't posted here in a bit so here goes nothing and this one will be much different than i would normally do :p[/spoiler] [i]Serenity was out home doing household chores as she sent her kids out to play. They had grown older and bigger but they were in no way adults yet but preteens now. They kids all had common knowledge that they never really knew who there father was. It bugged them a little bit but they knew wasn't their place to ask. But unfortunately they come to find out who their father weither they had wanted to or not. As veena who playing with her older brother sivath in the yard manages to hear a loud roar of a dragon not one she reckonizes as a huge black shadow of a dragon is seen stretching across the ground as its heard flying above them. It's a much bigger than Leyla and serenity's forms combined as its seen landing very close nearby. It prompts the four young dragons to run in terror as strange dragons always ment bad things. But this seems like a larger version of sivath with it red back and black underbelly. Could this be their father? Who knows really as the kids went for the safety of the cave where their mother was. Serenity however was drawn in by the commotion the much bigger dragon cause. It also managed to draw the attention of a few others that were in the vicinity. Serenity was the first one to recognize who it was exactly however although she's hasn't seen him in a few decades but she still recognizes him. She watched the larger dragon before walking up to him her youngsters following her as they know it's probably the safest spot.[/i] "As i live and breath i haven't seen you in what a good 16 years since her passing your mate and my best friend Candice."says serenity [i]a deep male voice answers her while looking down at serenity and glancing at the four little youngsters hiding behind her. "So true my old friend seems like we have much to discuss."says the dragon [/i] [spoiler]open[/spoiler]

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    Bramd - old

    [spoiler]I came to check this place cuz why not, and I'm borrowing Mortar for a moment again[/spoiler] Discuss what? *Mortar comes up, a little on edge, as he knows that most dragons have a humanoid form, and if they don't use it to introduce themselves, it raises some questions* Who, may I ask, are you?

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  • [spoiler]he is yours of course[/spoiler] [i]the dragon simply looks in his direction looking mortar over with his gaze as he remained in his dragon form as he spoke. "I am Ozussa a old friend of her and you are?"he asked [/i]

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    Bramd - old

    *He looks at the dragon with an unwavering gaze, "scanning" him, and determining if he is a threat. He speaks in a slightly intimidating and stern, yet not threatening. Not yet at least.* Mortar, Serenity's husband. How do you know Serenity?

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  • Edited by NightBloomsFell: 2/14/2018 1:25:10 AM
    "I was married to her best friend Candice until a series of unfortunate events took her from me and forced me to run after they got to her first."says ozussa [i]mortar would probably remember that day as he was there when serenity had been crying over it after getting a letter asking her to find her eggs in candice's last letter to her. A last attempt to save her kids that hadn't at that time been hatched yet. Ozussa's gaze was fixed on mortar. He hadn't seen serenity in such a long time that he had no clue that she had gotten married at all. But being on the run would definitely do that.[/i]

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    Bramd - old

    *Mortar's gaze became less intimidating, and slightly embarrassed yet still unwavering and fixed on the old dragon* That was you? My apologies, it has been quite some time since I had heard about you, and a large figure coming to our doorstep raises some alarms, I hope you understand

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  • _Hello..._ *Sapphire approached, wearing her full exo-suit except for her helmet. She stepped forward slowly, eyeing the dragon with concern.* _Sorry to interrupt you two, but the city folk are worried about the unfamiliar dragon..._

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  • Edited by NightBloomsFell: 2/7/2018 9:22:51 AM
    "Uh yeah that's why i came out here. He kinda spooked them too. "Says Serenity [i]they would hear a sigh coming from the big dragon as he spoke again. "I have a harder time staying in that form as a good majority of my time was spent flying around. But i can shrink down."he says He was until recently being hunted by a group questionable individuals that killed his late wife candice which was serenity's best friend. But it was clear that he was different variety of dragon as his wings were covered in soft downy black feathers. He also had larger spikes along his back and tail. On his front legs he had four sharp spines on each upper portion of each leg. He definitely did make one nervous by just standing there.[/i]

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  • Edited by Skatch142: 2/7/2018 12:15:34 PM
    _Okay, Thank you. I appreciate it. I’m Sapphire by the way._ *She padded toward Serenity so the dragon didn’t have to turn his head to speak to both of them. Sapphire glanced back at her kids and gave them a smile. Contrary to popular belief, she quite liked children. The tiger then looked back up at the massive dragon, crossing her arms.*

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  • [i]"nice to meet sapphire. I am Ozussa."he says He then suddenly had transformed turning into a a slightly muscular man with shaggy black and a beard. He looks like grown up version of sivath both the man had brown eyes too. The kids could be heard whispering like mad about the stranger that serenity was talking to. But sivath had finally got the nerve to ask her. Serenity had felt him starting to trying to get her attention as she looked over at him.[/i] mom why does that man look so much like me?"says sivath "Well the a good reason for that sweetie he is your father."says serenity [i]this right had raised a lot of questions for him. Which kinda left him at a loss for words.[/i]

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  • *Sapphire, being extended family and therefore not well-informed, widened her eyes at this.* [u]Are you telling me...[/u] *She glanced at the children, then at the man, then at Serenity with an appalled expression.*

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  • "Well it long story well over due really as see people have questions. Well it's pretty much started with his disappearance and my best friend Candice when she died. Had somehow sent me a letter telling me of her eggs and how she had hidden them. So she had made their me there guardian. So i have pretty been raising these four since they hatched. But i do however will say this she only laid three eggs the fourth i have no clue who the parents are and thats jura"says serenity [i]jura had look at what he thought for a long time was his siblings but in truth they weren't. He could see the hurt in serenity's eyes as she had turned to look at them. This was one thing she was dreading.[/i] "Sorry i should have told you sooner."says serenity

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  • *She facepalmed while no one was looking, having forgotten that Serenity’s kids were before her relationship with Mortar. She looked at Jura sorrowfully, sad that he wasn’t really related to his siblings.*

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  • [i]jura had silently begun to cry over that fact and syrilth comes over the gives him a hug as he very much needs. Syrilth is still as always is the shortest of three but none the less compassionate when count.[/i] "Jura.. please don't cry your still family to me even we ain't got the same parents."says syrilth [i]ozussa could see that the young man was very upset at the news that serenity told him. He was trying to think of something to say but couldn't think of one. [/i]

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  • *Sapphire thought a bit before she moved over to the two. She set a hand on Jura’s shoulder and gave him a kind smile.* _Really... It’s not always about where you came from, it’s about where you are and who’s there with you._

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  • "It makes me feel a little bit better i guess..."says jura sadly [i]he was still very hurt but it touched him deeply nonetheless. He had looked at syrilth who was still hugging him tightly and he looked at sapphire who placed a hand on his shoulder. [/i]"i still care about you guys and jura no matter i will always be your mother even if i didn't birth you. Thats all that should matter."says serenity [i]serenity looks at jura then at ozussa who hasn't said to much but had moved a little closer. [/i]

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  • _I had a sister who I met when I was ten. She was from a different family, a whole different life. She was still my sister though, and that’s what mattered._

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  • "See jura she's got a sister that's not related to her. So don't worry.''says syrilth

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  • *She nodded.* [u]You love them, don’t you Jura?[/u]

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  • "Yes i do i never said that i didn't."says jura [i]he looks directly at her when he answers her. He wouldn't reject them only because theor the closest thing to family he's got.[/i]

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  • [u]Then they’re your family. No doubt about it.[/u] *She gave him a kind smile as she said this, tilting her head a little.*

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  • "I guess that your right but my question now is this is he gonna even bother sticking around this time now that those guys know he is their father."says jura [i]as he had turned his head to look at ozussa. Ozussa had remained quiet for a moment before speaking again. "I won't leaving anytime soon tired being always on the move."says ozussa [/i]

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