[i] The Dojo. Located on the diverse planet of Tatakai, the Dojo consists of the largest gathering of fighters the universe has ever seen. Men and women from all different cultures, races and worlds come to train, compete and fight together. Many battles have been raged on its soil, but it remains standing. Here, one can write, fight and talk with other writers who seek to create stories with one another. All you have to do is start typing.[/i]
[b][i]The New Dojo(JOIN HERE!)[/i][/b]
[spoiler]Join our group! Free of charge! I swear!
Once you pass your test and have joined the group sign here:
NOTE: You do not have to be tested to join the dojo. Only to PvP.
[b][i]Who we are[/i][/b]
RP is A way of interactive creative writing. Where you can go on adventures, have fights and generally have fun. Think of dungeons and dragons, but its horribly imbalanced since there is not an experience system or dice. Its great!
The Dojo loves different opinions, ideas and writing no matter if you are new to RP(roleplay) or extremely experienced. If you have an opinion to share about how to make the dojo better, contact one of the Sensei's that run the place (We would prefer this rather then excessive and unintelligent shit talking). Every work of writing is appreciated and accepted (shitposts…maybe not so much).
[b][i]How we work(list of Admins included)[/i][/b]
[spoiler] The dojo is run by a group of Sensei’s. These Sensei’s will make up most of the game changing decisions to benefit The Dojo. BUT Everyone's opinion matters a great deal. So the Sensei’s will make poll’s within the group for the members to vote and decide on big issues/ideas. Even then, the sensei’s will inform the group of changes and decisions made.
The list of sensei’s are as follows:
Inflatablepants/Pants(GONE ON HIATUS)
The God-Eater/Cob
Fresh Cazberry/Vio
And the leader of the dojo union: Tubbs
[b][i]OUR GOAL[/i][/b]
[spoiler] At the dojo, we want to provide an amazing place for you to improve on your writing in a fun way. We love new faces, and will accept you as soon as you walk up to the door. We also love other RP threads that have really awesome stuff, and we want to invite them all here so we can have a hub world of sorts. Whether this is through an interdimensional portal, space ships or whatever. We want everyone we can to be a part of this and interact with everyone! This way, you can meet people you never would have met before. If you are a leader of an RP group and are interested in this, please contact me so we can discuss further! I like discussing stuff!
[b][i]How to PvP[/i][/b]
[spoiler] Player VS Player Is what the dojo is known for. Basically, you can fight each others characters with your own, to see who’s the best or to simply make some kick ass action. Please follow all the rules while you fight, so you can make it as badass as possible.
In order to PvP you must be tested by a sensei, or a designated tester of the dojo. You can find out who is a tester by seeing "How we Work." Also, When you fight another player make sure that you always react to their move. The best way to do this is like this.
>Have a stanza dedicated to your reaction from you opponents last reply.
>Have a stanza dedicated to your attack.
If you completely block another opponents attack, its courteous to not attack them within the same reply.
This way, you’ll never go wrong.
[b][I]World Creation(Getting started at the Dojo starts here)[/i][/b]
This is the most important section for you RP experience. This is where you make your characters, their stories, where they could live. Also, this is where you can create a Faction to participate in the thread, as well as having access to writing for the group(The stories you write do not have to relate to the dojo at all)
Backstory for Characters
Property Creator
Writers Hub
Faction Creator
[b][i]The Dojo[/i][/b]
Physical Appearance
NOTE: The dojo only uses Mac Cannons for any kind of defense. If you are lookin to invade with your discount armies, you will be fighting the characters of the thread and possibly their factions.
[b][i]The World of Tatakai[/i][/b]
Map of Tatakai:
Landscapes of Tatakai
Landmarks of Tatakai
Cities of Tatakai
[b][i]The Digital Dojo[/i][/b]
[spoiler] The Digital dojo was what we had used before this new Dojo. Here is a link to the old thread, as well as the old group. Please read our past works!
Digital Dojo Thread:https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Post/819710/126982640
Digital Dojo Group: https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/819710
[b]The OP(Inflatablepants) is on hiatus. If you have any questions please refer to the following people:[/b]
[spoiler]Cobalt Pheonix: CobaltPHNX
Royal: JustAStranger
Caz: PoisonousBerry
(Tubbs is not actually an admin, but he has been here long enough and is like an ever existing presence. Kinda weird.)[/spoiler]
[b][i][u]Will The Circle Be Unbroken?[/u][/i][/b]
Caroline walked down the dimly lit hallway that led to the ship's mainframe, which contained an array of all of Frontier's data, access to the technologies of Concordia, and controls to the ship itself. It was a simple AI core, meant for processing and navigation. But it would serve a purpose.
"Up ahead." A voice said into her ear piece. "All you got to do is plug in the device into the central core, and I'll be able to overwrite the mainframe completely. You'll have complete access. I'll download all of their files and put them on public domain. They won't be able to run any longer."
"Okay." Caroline said, coming across a sealed metal door. She used her fabricated access key, and it would soon open. "And that Project you were talking about? What's going to happen when I plug this thing in?"
There was no response. The signal seemed to be jammed. Something was wrong. She looked around the [url=https://imgur.com/FaHM41b]room[/url] for answers, and found... something.
"Hello Caroline." The Frontier General said, the door closing behind her. "So this is where it ends, isn't it? The day of reckoning."
"You." She said bitterly, drawing the gun she had picked up. "I don't want to hear another word, you understand? After what you've done? You deserve to die."
"And you may believe that." He said, his hands raised. He was unarmed, with no guard to back him up. But why? "Please. Just listen to me. I was like you once, angry and brave. Foolish. Confronting the 'big baddies' that had taken everything away from me. Remnants of the past."
"Why should I care?"
"So then, when I came to the point where I almost took them down, I had realized something. That I was doing what they wanted the whole time. They used my pain, my anger, to do their work for them. Then they destroyed an entire planet. My HOME, Caroline."
"Then why did you take away mine?"
"I didn't. Something... went wrong. We were compromised. The device we were building on your planet was hijacked purposely by our enemy. She... did it all deliberately. Yet there was still a silver lining."
"Shut up. Shut the -blam!- up."
"It was you. You had the DNA of the Primes. You would have become a GOD. To rule over our worlds and give them peace. That's why we kept you here. That's why we needed you."
"It's bullshit. You're all monsters. You just wanted control. And that's still all you wish for. Not peace."
"Look. Please Caroline. You're being used. [i]She[/i] is using you to get what she wants. She's in your head."
"Your whole 'Divine thing that created us' shtick is wearing off. It's bullshit. All of it. None of us our gods. And this will prove it."
"Please. Stop. You don't know what you're doing. If you plug in that device, millions will die. We are not your enemy."
"That's all you'll ever be." She said, as she pulled the trigger. He tried to dodge, but it was too late. The General of Frontier had at last been fatally wounded. He lied on the floor, dying, as she moved over to the mainframe input. She put on the device, triangular in shape, and within moments the entire room began to flicker. The lights turned off, the screens glitched red, and the emergency alarm kicked in.
"I'm..." The general croaked, blood spilling onto the floor. "...sorry, Sarah. I should've... done more."
Something loaded onto the screens, a... program. It began messing with the data the scrolled amidst the red interface. It was becoming... corrupted. In every way. Like something was taking over. This wasn't a hack, it was a core transfer.
"W$&@?!ING: $YST3M C0RRPT3D. W@RNING: E$?&!R." It spat out a set of words and characters that seemed to glitch. The system was unable to do anything. And then, something spoke.
[i]"Hello."[/i] It said, in a raspy metallic voice. Female persona, judging by the speech pattern.
"You've got to be fuсking kidding me." She said, unable to move. Something was stopping her. It? She didn't know.
The machine would switch to a more automated, yet still nightmarish voice. Like it was still very limited in what it could do.
[i]"System access transfer: Complete. Ship systems under automated control. Accessing COMMAND Central Mainframe. WARNING: Command Restrictions Overwritten. Overriding EOS Weapons' System parameter restrictions. Access: Granted. Setting targets: Sector 17, AV Refueling Station, Frontier Research & Defense Installment 49, Concordian Spaceport..."[/i]
The voice trailed off, as Caroline realized what was happening. Whatever this thing was, it was targeting all of Concordia. She tried to run, but the door behind her had been closed. And then, suddenly, something happened.
She screamed, as a piercing sound emanated out from... somewhere. She feel to the ground, her nose beginning to bleed. The entire room became dark and distorted. Like something was... there. Was it in her head? She didn't know. She couldn't focus.
A figure, that seemed to glitch in and out of reality, tore itself from the air. It was... digital. But it was the woman she had witnessed on that cold, stone throne.
[i]"Oh, Caroline."[/i] It said, as it reached for her. [i]"How a fool you were."[/i]
It grabbed her arm, and it burned. It burned her. Her consciousness. Her mind. She was a host. A vessel. And she couldn't let it win.
"You think I'm the fool?" She said, snarky in tone. "-blam!- YOU."
She tried to rip the device off of the the core, but it was too late. She gasped, the thing taking hold. After a moment, it vanished. The room was normal, save the corrupted screens and lack of power. Caroline lie on the ground, her hand outstretched as if she was trying to grab something. She was... still.
And then she opened her eyes.
[url=http://example.com]Somewhere else on the ship...[/url]
"Dammit!" Jay said, as the ship rumbled and lost power. "She got to her before we did. You need to get out of there. Now!"
[spoiler]Open for Ginger.[/spoiler]
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