The dragon hadn't given up yet, taking to the air after ravaging another encampment, noticing the lack of action in the town as the fighting lessened.
Either knew side was retreating or one side was nearly dead, and the massive red god wanted to be sure.
Circling around, it hovered low, disrupting the smoke and searching for any survivors, and any fish it came across would be crushed, torn apart and shredded by the furious might of the dragon. Its talons serving as honed swords, and its wings creating a tornado of wind that cleared the smoke from the areas it was near.
It had taken ten minutes for the fish men to scamper off in the cover of the brush, only a few being caught with their foolhardy recklessness. The massive roaring creature turned back, having not even needed to do it's job, and contrary to its movement from before, moved at incredible speeds as it disappeared into the fog. The fog thickened in the night as the last fish escaped.
They had both ransacked the village, and stolen armor, weapons and other such goods. Their hit and run tactic worked, and who knew what would happen next, if they managed to control their new goods. For now however, it was one of the first destroyed villages under a dome, all by the fishy men of the ocean.
[spoiler]End of the Siege of Gardinwal, fish have stolen guns and armor, gained ideas, and a small amount of slave labor. Next attack will occur in an undetermined amount of time, especially with my mini-break. [/spoiler]
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