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1/26/2018 4:24:39 PM

Free Montage Edit

[u]Reasoning[/u] I'm training to do film editing and movie effects with Adobe programs. starting a film and media course this year and i want to practise so i can learn more and gain more experience and i'm happy to make montages for people. [u]Example[/u] my recent one is linked here as with my youtube channel [url][/url] [u][b]how to request one[/b][/u] All montages will be displayed on my channel, i work on both Destiny two and Destiny. [b]tweet me on twitter[/b] With..... with console (PSN and Pc send clips though email) i know how to get Xbox clips Song choice Special requests Gamertag, PSN or ID Twitter follow so i can message you questions etc Thank you feel free to ask any questions

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