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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
1/15/2018 7:11:22 PM
[b][i][u]Rise[/u][/i][/b] [i]In Dojoville, a small crowd had gathered in one of the plazas. Mostly because, in the middle of this courtyard a [url=]man[/url] standing on a table and speaking to the people.[/i] "For years, the Dojo has stood on top of those mountains. And for years, they have brought enemies to our doorsteps and fought them in the streets. They have fought them in our homes and so many of our people have died." [i]There was a mumbling of agreement through the crowd, which was quickly silenced as the man raised his hand j to the air.[/i] "This is not their fault. It is our own. We chose to create homes here, and we choose to depend on the dojo. No longer. We must depend upon ourselves, only we can save our people from death!" [i]The crowd looked around, uncertain at the words of the man. Though, a few were hollering at this point, excited to see where this speech was going.[/i] "We will create an armed forces, dedicated to protecting the people of Dojoville from threats small and large. We will do this by calling upon the create Infinity Corp, who's own words are 'Protecting Takatai, no matter what.' It is time for them to live up to those words!" [i]The ground exploded into cheers, and the man smiled broadly as he stepped down from the table and shook hands with the people in the group. [/i] [spoiler]Open! Talk to the man, or ask the people in the crowd who this is. Haven't made a post in a bit, but I thought I might as well bring a plot with it. Say hello to my first political character. [/spoiler]

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    Bramd - old

    [spoiler]Speaking of new characters, would you like Cyan? I've been inactive as hell, and I don't want my primary characters' stories to end. NightFell is getting Mortar[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]I would be honoured to take Cyan! Do the exiled come with the deal? [/spoiler]

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    Bramd - old

    [spoiler]I don't see why not. The Exiled are primarily nomadic, so they build "Quick-shelters" and usually build them off the ground if they can. A couple things about Cyan: Her right arm is robotic courtesy of JT, and she struggles to find an ideal form of leadership, since she was only a leader for a year or two. oh, and she's like 32,074 years old and a human/demon hybrid who looks like a human[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler] Yeah, I already found her bio and reposted for convenience. I'll try to make a story that really builds her confidence as a leader, and I thank you for giving her to me. [/spoiler]

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    Bramd - old

    [spoiler]The beer thing is now nonexistent, her full name is Cynthia "Cyan" Arsiten, and that's about it. I trust you'll make it work! Oh, and Orn may end up with her father depending on who he chooses[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]What did you mean with her father? Is that some sort of plot you guys got? [/spoiler]

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    Bramd - old

    [spoiler]No, I just gave Orn a list of characters I had and I want to see which one he picks. It consists of Cross (Skeleton archer guy), Caesar (The guy who had Mortar's sword after he died), Garuud (Mortar's dad), and Styx-12 (An Exo Titan I made recently)[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Ah okay. Seems like me and Fell got the best picks though. [/spoiler]

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    Bramd - old

    [spoiler]Well her character is married to Mortar and you were probably my longest-term combatant/partner in this soo...[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]It's be a pleasure, man. I guess with you giving away your characters and all... This is officially goodbye. [/spoiler]

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    Bramd - old

    [spoiler]Yep. Nothing against this at all, it's fun to do it; I just have too many responsibilities since I'm technically the "Smart kid" now[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]No need to explain yourself, I get it man. One more thing, though. Found this image I might use for Cyan. Wanted to know if you liked it or not. [/spoiler]

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    Bramd - old

    [spoiler]I like it, but at least in my mental image, she has a lighter hair color and a wider iris, giving her that unnaturaly blue eye color. But other than that spot on[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]I'll try finding a more fitting picture, but if I'm not able to then I'll use this one and just describe her actual her and eyes. [/spoiler]

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    Bramd - old

    [spoiler]Sounds great. And Orn isn't using her father so if you ever want to incorporate him into something hit me up[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Will do, man! [/spoiler]

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  • [i]Another rabble rouser. Maybe this one actually means it. Doesn't matter. Mean it or not it won't work...[/i] Such thoughts crossed through the older man's mind as he watched the spectacle. He didn't care much for politics it seemed, or maybe he was just the general caustic specimen found in the dojo. Something quite common, he guessed as he reviewed his ironic thoughts. [i]Still, he might know her. The sister is worthless. No ambition, no fire... But the girl is what we need....[/i] He cleared his throat, hoping to beckon the man over as he came within earshot. Upon further inspection it would be obvious that he stood out amongst the rest, judging by his simple yet defined clothing and his demeanor.

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  • From Malcolm's position speaking to a civilian, he looked up at the man that had cleared his throat. Quickly bidding farewell to the civilian, he approached an extended a hand. "Malcolm Darimon, ser. Who might you be?" He asked with a bright smile.

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  • "Isaiah." The man said, his face giving the impression of a statue. "Quite the speech, wasn't it?"

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  • "The people love words. Especially the right ones." A soft chuckle escaped Malcolm's lips and his smile extended slightly. "What can I do for you? Questions about the campaign... Or something of the sort?"

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  • "I'm looking for someone. They go by 'Alpha'." He said, gruffly despite his more intelligent demeanor. "Shes very dangerous. I'm just trying to find her before she does something worse"

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  • "Alpha... Hmm..." Malcolm scratched at at his beard, looking off into the distance for a few moments. "Yes. Miss Alpha is the young girl part of the Arrowhead crew. Unfortunately, I do not know her location. So I most likely will not be of much help."

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  • "Can you give me a description? Known locations she had visited, friends, appearance, activities?"

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  • "I could give you an approximate location... But I have know who's asking." Malcolm's eyes narrowed at the man. "What are you to her? Friend, brother? Hunter? '

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  • "An old friend." He said, pausing a second "Where is she?"

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