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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
1/14/2018 3:40:35 PM
[i]The spikes would slam into Omega's being, forcing the creature against the wall as the spikes pushed through it's being. The feminine screaming picked up in agony, as words began escaping it's being. Niki's words.[/i] "[i]Rose- ROSE! U-Up the tower, take the girl with you-[/i]" [i]Omega's screeches cut off Niki as the blue light returned to it's eyes, yet it was trapped. In the background, Clea tried to rise up.[/i]

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  • She listened, running over to where Clea was, scooping the woman up and then with a bit more effort, took any path that lead up the tower.

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  • [i]A pair of stairs would lead upwards, allowing Rose to carry Clea up. The red creature, Omega, remained screaming and attempting to free itself, only to remain trapped.[/i] [i]When the two reached the top floor, Rose would find two familiar faces.[/i] [i]Niki, and the woman in the alleyway.[/i] "[i]You.[/i]" [i]The latter of the two, now hooded in a brilliant white hood.[/i] "You shouldn't be here, neither of you. No matter." [i]She hoisted Niki up, bringing a knife to the girl's throat.[/i] "Drop your tools of destruction. Or she dies."

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  • "Can't drop anything when my hands are full with carrying someone else, so guess what bitch, I can't do anything either way." She growled. That damned woman again, this time, she would kill her. And make her suffer.

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  • "You best get to surrendering, either way." [i]With a flick of her hand, Calypso's dagger rushed against Niki's pale throat, as blood dribbled down the side of her neck. Niki cried out, though the wound wasn't deep, nor close to anything life-threatening.[/i] [i]Niki looked like she had gone through hell, really. Her fingers were blistered and beaten, the tattered mage robe that she wore into battle now splattered with dried blood. One eye was badly bruised, while her face, even through her natural beauty, was strained and tired. Calypso had made her overexert her magic..[/i]

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  • She grimaced, unbridled rage filling her, as slowly she moved to set down Clea. All she needed was one chance, to end everything right now. One small flicker of hope.

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  • "There, there.." [i]Calypso would smile softly, pearly white teeth shining through the opening of her mouth. Her knife lowered a little in her cockiness, and Niki took her chance.[/i] [i]Without a word nor shout, her head would rear back, before she slammed the back of her head into her captor's nose. Calypso staggered back as Niki would fall down, crawling away from the woman as she grimaced in pain.[/i]

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  • Rose took her chance then, pulling the revolver from her side, taking aim, and pulling the trigger; the bullet whizzing for Calypso's head.

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  • [i]Calypso would try to move, but it was too late: the bullet crashed through her head, slamming through her skull and ripping through the back. Her head jerked back, while her face began to quiver and she, before.. cracking, like an egg. Brilliant rays of light escaped her cheek, before her head exploded, in a flurry of energy.[/i] "R-Rose.." [i]Niki crawled towards her lover, crying out in pain and shock.[/i] "W-We need to go. You need to go, you need to run and.. she's coming, she's coming!"

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  • Rose looked at her with a certain fire in her eyes, one that said no. "Not without you, Niki. I'm not losing you again." She was dead set, stubborn as per usual. The once bandit now turned soldier refusing to leave her love behind.

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  • [spoiler][url=]Calypso (Phase One) - Saarath[/url][/spoiler] [i]Niki stared at Rose with nothing but a look of hope, as a glimmer of faith would fill her thin, worried, and undoubtedly weak smile. Just then, the tower began to quiver and shake, as Niki's face turned to one of terror.[/i] "Rose, she can-" [i]And just like that, Rose found herself back, her gun raised at Calypso. Only, her foe was alive, and still holding Niki by the throat.[/i] "Clever girl." [i]Calypso murmured, throwing Niki against the wall.[/i] "Shoot me again. See how well your bullets work." [i]...She had restored herself, somehow. As if nothing had happened after all.[/i]

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  • She grimaced, letting out a cry as Niki flew across the room. How...? Then she turned to Calypso, furious. "LISTEN HERE YOU APPLE CRUMB CÙNT! I'M TIRED OF YOUR SHIT AND WHAT YOU DID TO HER, THIS TIME YOU GO DOWN FOR GOOD!" She stamped her foot then, ready to kill the bitch as many times as possible.

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  • [i]Calypso tilted her head, eyebrow raised as she stepped back a little. The insult had.. well, confused her, to a certain degree.[/i] "An apple.. what?" [i]She groaned, before raising a single hand as energy collected behind her being, before she began to step towards Rose. Sharpened, spectral blades, two in total, formulated and flew towards Rose's being.[/i]

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  • Rose's initial instinct was to pull, and fires which she did the second Calypso seemed confused, landing her shot hopefully for her body. Then, she did the next best thing; formed her armor into a shield in front of her, to block the blades. She needed to get Niki out of here...

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  • [i]The rounds punched through the woman, though now they seemed to do little. Previously, Calypso had been taken by surprise. Now.. she only laughed, as blood dribbled down from her own being, the swords slamming into the shielding and held in place before fading away.[/i] "You think this inconvenience means anything?" [i]Calypso sneered.[/i] "Ha. No. Time is in my favor, sweetheart. You can't stop this future, as much as you'd love to." [i]In the background, Niki had begun to stir, clenching her fist. She looked at Rose, mouthing[/i] "Time.." [i]She was planning something. She needed Rose to buy some time for the two.[/i]

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  • She could do just that, she trusted the woman, and knew Niki could do what she needed too. So, to buy her love time, she put herself at risk, shooting the shield forward to force it to slam into Calypso, the metal warping to fit her upper torso and head, and squeeze her into submission if possible.

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  • [i]The shield would split in two as it would come into Calypso's range, as yet another spectral sword came into her hand, only now a mighty longsword.[/i] "I know your tricks now, girl. Your manipulation of metal. I wonder, did Niki give that to you? When you're dead, what power shall she give me?" [i]Calypso would grunt, as she would raise the sword and slash down upon Rose. She intended to cleave her in two.[/i]

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  • She sidestepped then, avoiding the blow as she slammed the barrel into Calypsos side, the metal still searing hot. She knew bullets wouldn't work, there had to be a surprise. What of Clea? If the girl was still conscious... Retreating then, she pulled her own weapon, transforming it into its staff variant and holstering the pistol.

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  • [i]Clea had only fallen unconscious in the background, while Niki had taken to rising up slowly, holding a ray of glimmering light in her hand. The light only darkened into a void color, black and starry, as she kept herself out of Calypso's sight.[/i] [i]The woman would yell out, only to then slap Rose across the face, groaning and screaming in her pain as she stumbled back. She was stunned.[/i]

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  • Rose took the opportunity then to trap the being, her armor rattling from across the room, shooting forward then as she attempted again to slam it around Calypso's head and torso. Anything to buy to, anything...

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  • [spoiler][url=]Calypso (Damage Phase) - Dark Solas/Trespasser Boss Theme[/url][/spoiler] "[i]Now![/i]" [i]Niki yelled, as Calypso's being crashed against the wall. Niki would throw the void ball at the woman's trapped being as reality began to shift, time being reversed.. only for it all to freeze. Only Rose and her metal could move.[/i] [i]Calypso had reversed time, but Niki froze it entirely. A counter, perhaps gone wrong, and hopefully temporary..[/i] [i]It was proven temporal, as Niki's fingers quivered, as Calypso's yells from under the armor were heard. It seemed to be a disabling spell as well.. one that gave Rose enough time to end Calypso.[/i]

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  • Rose took the chance then, slamming her hands together with a tired yell, collapsing to her knees at the same time as the metal creaked and then slammed inward in a rapid implosion, crushing Calypso inside.

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  • [i]Calypso's screams cut short, only followed by the snapping and cracking of bones as her being was forced into a crumpled pulp. Dying squeaks escaped the metal prison, before they fell silent.[/i] "...I-I.. Rose.." [i]Time resumed to it's normal pace, as Niki stumbled over, only to wrap her hands around Rose.[/i] "I-I'm so sorry, I-I got lost on the battlefield and.. oh, Rose, s-she.."

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  • Rose stood, stunned for a second, before turning to Niki and embracing her in a tight hug, hushing her pleas. The woman was happy that that Niki was still alive, that was all she cared about. Her voice was a bit muffled in Niki's shirt, choking down tears as her eyes started to water. "Niki, its fine, its fine. Your safe now, that's all that matters to me..."

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  • "S-She's not dead. Well.. physically, she is. She can't come back, not for you nor me.. I.. I think I can help your friend. Is she.. Tribune?" [i]Niki murmured, sniffling a little as she looked at Clea. Clea had cleaned the wound before passing out, though she was pale and sitting in a puddle of dark blood.[/i]

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  • "Ex-Tribune, she's a fugitive. She helped me get here. If you could I would love it if you could help her. Are you sure you can though?" She couldn't bear to force to Niki to do anything more than lift a finger.

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