originally posted in:The New Dojo
“As do I. Fitting that we should be of similar backgrounds and run into each other in such a serene place..”
“Fate has a sense of humor, at least some of the time.”
“Indeed...though in my experience, fate has led to destruction and heartbreak, but I shall not speak about that..”
“Never said it wasn’t a cruel humor, but I can’t change it, so why waste time mourning the fact.” He says with a shrug.
Suzume nods. “Agreed..” She then turns to the side, gazing around again and slowly reaching up and removing her large black jingasha, revealing her feline ears.
He cocks his head ever so slightly to the side in curiosity, then shrugs as he remembers his own appearance and makes no comment. “So are you traveling to anywhere?”
“At the present, no. I only arrived here recently, and I intend to stay for some time. Whether or not that proves to be detrimental to me or not is yet to be seen.”
“Well, it’ll be nice to see you around.”