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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
1/10/2018 2:21:10 AM
[spoiler]Okay, actually open post, lol.[/spoiler] [u]A Hellish Ride[/u] [u]Tatakai's Orbit, 3:22 PM[/u] "[i]Are you fuсking kidding me-[/i] they blew our left thruster!" [i]The "Extinction Event", the bright emerald and onyx black ship that streamed through orbit, smoked with a destruction haze, smoke bellowing from the left side of the hulking ship as it was drove down towards the planet beneath it. Behind the giant, oddly colorful yet harmed shuttle, two bulky, gunmetal ships trailed behind, with their clouded cannons pointed towards their target.[/i] [i]Within, Thor cursed to himself as he would rush to the cockpit, after putting out a small flame upon the left side of the shuttle. The shot had rendered the left thruster and it's supporting boosts entirely null, though the Event wasn't left as a helpless hunk of junk just yet. The Exo gripped the steel walls of the ship, finding the cockpit where Judas wildly piloted.. well, everything. Their survival was in the Titan's hands, to be terribly honest.[/i] "Judas, can you at least get us to the ground-" "Can you stop your bitсhing and man the ship." [i]The human Titan would respond, in a standstill, emotionless tone, even as he was mildly irritated by the entire situation. His previously ivory armor, modeled after the set worn by the ancient Warpriest of the Dreadnaught, was coated in soot and wear, his tattered maroon bond now accompanied by several medallions, badges.. Cabal standards, of different legions and rankings. Though those trophies, and Thor's own craving for "the schematics to recreate the Almighty, or something similar" had led them to the dire situation that they were pinned within now.[/i] "We're having a rough landing. Area.. Job?" [i]At the mention of "Job", a diamond-shaped shell that was decorated within Cabal sigils and platings would appear. It also boasted the translucent Void webs of a Psion Flayer, while a deep, masculine voice left it's small body. A Ghost.[/i] "[b]Tatakai. Home of the Dojo, whatever that is. Few Guardians here.. ooh, Vex too.[/b]" "If we got one break from the Vex, I swear.." [i]Thor murmured, as yet another flame would spark within the ship, causing the Warlock to sprint back in a hurry. Judas would tighten his grip, studying his choice for a crash site.[/i] "There." "[b]You sure?[/b]" "Well.. we'll certainly bring some attention." -------------------------------- [spoiler]Open, anyway.[/spoiler] [u]The Perimeter of Dojoville[/u] "So I was.. y'know, hanging around, right. Next thing I know, there's this huge blaze - building's on fire, I rush out and there's this giant monster thing. Oh, and some chick and her army of knights rolled in-" "Hey, shh. You hear that?" [i]The two guards of the Dojo, or at least members of the local militia, upon the perimeter of the wall that surrounded the city would fall silent as they would hone their senses quietly. In the distance, a deep humming noise would be heard in the background, as something - a large, black and green object - would enter the field of view of the two, only followed by two deep grey shuttles.. firing at it. A stray shot would whistle past the green ship, flying towards the wall.. and the two guards.[/i] "What the- shit, cover-!" [i]One of them yelled, as both would sprint and duck for cover just in time as the blast would strike the portion of the stony wall. Rubble flew across the area as the resounding explosion would spread the structure's remains upon the ground, shattering it quickly.[/i] [i]The green ship in the air, still bellowing smoke and now inflamed, would begin to rise up, directing it's course for an open field upon the outskirts of the Dojo as the two grey ones would continue to open fire upon it. Without warning, as it plunged towards the earth's wintery surface, of which was coated in a light snow - the ship would pull up, then rocking across it's open plain as it began it's crash. The shuttle would grind and screech with an agonizing noise before it came to a halt, a road of dirt left where it had torn through the earth's surface, parting the ground and the snow entirely.[/i] [i]The grey attackers of the Extinction Event would hover overhead, before the sides would creak with the moving of machine doors, as they would open for the inhabitants of the ship: eight foot tall, hulking creatures would crash upon the ground, their insignia a burning blue fist while their armor was a deep ocean blue and yellow mixture. Within their hefty palms, they carried large energy weapons, of which held a deep void energy within their thick bases. Eight of these alien lifeforms would begin to study the wreckage, searching for.. well, the inhabitants, for one.[/i]

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    Bramd - old

    [spoiler]Hey Orn. You want one of my characters?[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]A character? I can try to use one, sure.[/spoiler]

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    Bramd - old

    [spoiler]Awesome! I've just been REALLY inactive so I haven't been able to do much with them. First up is Styx-12, an Exo Titan who lost his ghost Demosthenes to the Sand Eaters of Mars. His "Light" had returned due to someone at the dojo giving him SIVA in his mechanisms Second, Cross, the skeletal archer that swore his life to protect Mortar until Mortar relieved him around the time Mortar and Wit created New Lux Third, Caesar, an ally of Mortar's who had disappeared before the New Dojo was made. His father controlled the Underworld before Mortar's father killed him and took his throne. Finally, Mortar's Father, Garuud. I definitely wanted to do more with this guy, and a plot that I was making in the first Dojo but got interrupted would do just that. He is very manipulative, sitting on a throne of lies and shadows, and Mortar has a burning passion to kill him due to the millions, maybe billions of war crimes he's committed. So you can pick one or two of them if you'd like. I trust you with them because you're really good with writing this stuff[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Hmm. I'll take Cross and Caesar if you want, lol. Thanks though, man.[/spoiler]

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    Bramd - old

    [spoiler]Not a problem. I don't have finished bios of them that I know of so I'll type some stuff up for you, should get it to you soon[/spoiler]

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  • Edited by Warlock Holmes: 1/11/2018 10:57:22 PM
    [spoiler]sorry wrong reply [/spoiler]

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  • Raveon sneaks into the crashed ship. The slim elf rouge has One of his shortswords our, and his Laser Pistol. He attempted to stay in the shadows and make it past the canal soldiers without them noticing

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  • [i]Unfortunately for him, while he wasn't discovered yet, the hulking Cabal had entered the ship and began to make their way through it. There were two paths that the investigator could take, ahead of him: the one to the left, or the one to the right.[/i]

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  • He sneaks down the left passage hoping the cabal won’t notice him, sticking to the shadows

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  • [i]There, he would find what appeared to be the body of a Warlock, the armor a mixture of Deathsinger and Vex plates, a pitch black Obsidian Mind upon his head. He was silent, dead perhaps, yet one could hear the Cabal growing closer and closer.[/i]

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  • I dart to the warlock. I take their helmet off and try to see if they are alive, but I’m ready to dart back into the shadows when the canal near

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  • [i]With the Mind clattering to the ground, the Exo's electric blue eyes would spark up, before an iron grip would grab the man by the throat. His hand would draw a weapon - a revolver, a terribly jagged weapon, and aimed it over the man's shoulder. The revolver fired a bolt - right into a Cabal's head, only to fire another at the Legionnaire's companion when he was about to cry out.[/i] "You don't understand "playing dead", do you?" [i]The Warlock muttered, pushing the man off as he rose.[/i] "Whatever, where's Judas? Stupid Titan.."

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  • Raveon looks shocked for a little. Than he jumps onto a canals back. He stabs his sword into the cabals back. Holding onto his sword in one hand, he starts firing his laser pistol at other cabal

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  • [i]The lasers would burn right through the Legionnaire, as it fell to the ground with a deep huff of death. The Warlock, now rising up, would stare at Raveon's work.[/i] "...You're pretty good, I guess." [i]He murmured, then searching through the rubble of the ship.[/i] "Listen, my buddy's.. well, not really buddy, more of an associate.. amongst this rubble, I'm gonna find him. You just.. defend, okay? You got that, right?"

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  • [i]”sure” he says, shooting some more cabal. When they get close enough he attacks with his sword. His fighting style is more based in speed and agility, instead of strength.[/i]

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  • [i]The Cabal would be strategic still, sticking to the back of the halls with two Phalanx troops in the front. With each step that the unit took, the collapsed ship would rumble.[/i]

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  • [i]raveon will continue fighting. He darts towards the cabal, trying to slip right past the shied people. He also yells “Hurry up, I could use some help here”[/i]

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  • A man would come to investigate the wreckage unaware of the other life forms. He was about average height. He had a dirty brown jacket on and black pants. His hair was short black and a bit spiked on the top. His left arm, as well as a bit of his neck and chest were mechanical. The arm had a blew light in the middle of it and was holding a pistol with a built in flashlight. “What happened here”? He said out loud while getting closer to the crashed ship.

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  • [i]The fact that the man had been willing to approach the ship and openly announce himself would reveal his presence to the hulking soldiers, of which some would turn their helmeted faces towards him. One would approach, muttering deeply in some alien language before standing over him and holding out a hand, his other gripping his rifle.[/i] [i]The foreign language that escaped his muffling helm was indistinguishable, though it was obvious: the troop wanted the man to back off. Private military affairs.[/i]

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  • The man walks to a broken part of the ship that can be used as cover and pulls out a a LAPD police badge that also shows that he is a bladerunner.

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  • [i]One of the troops would approach the man, keeping him on the perimeter of the ship as it snatched the badge out of his hand. With a muffled snarl, it pushed the badge back into his chest, muttering something that made one other troop guffaw.[/i]

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  • “I don’t see what your laughing about you overweight space turtle”. He mutters under his breath. “So does that mean access granted”? He says not really being serious.

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  • [i]The Cabal in front of him would descend into silence, before pressing the heavy barrel against the man's chest and pushing him back. His finger rested on the trigger, as it murmured a threatening phrase.[/i]

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  • “We’re done here space slug”. He jumps to the right before the cabal can even pull the trigger of his gun. The mans left hand goes to his gun pulling it out and taking a shot at the cabals head before landing in a forward roll placing him behind the cabal and shooting it In the back.

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  • [i]Instigating combat with a hulking soldier was a bad idea already. Initiating combat with a pistol shot to heavy armor was worse. Initiating combat with seven other troops standing by was purely idiotic.[/i] [i]The Cabal would suddenly raise his left hand as he crouched down, the bullet embedding itself within his forearm's plating. As pistol rounds clashed into his armor, his attacker would find himself aimed at, by the Cabal's companions: seven barrels aimed at him in a firing line, just to where they wouldn't hit their companion, whom was retreating, and each pulling the trigger and letting forth the wrath of void-infused, three-round bursts.[/i]

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