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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
1/10/2018 12:19:22 AM
He shot a glare at the girl. While it pained him to act as aloof as he was, he knew he had to seem neutral as to not draw the thugs onto him. "Ah, so it's about the money? Well then. You see, I just opened up a business myself. Good and honest work. Profitable too. And none of it involves kidnapping this young lady here. Or any young lady for that matter." With an air of mock theatricality, he stroked his chin and snapped in realization. "I'm willing to bet security work for you lot would be more fitting. With all those guns and bravado, anyone's army would be willing to have you. Come now, it's the Dojo. Apparently [i]everyone[/i] has an army of some kind." He shrugged again. "Good and honest work. Much better compared to this ruffian business."

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