originally posted in:The New Dojo
*The bar certainly seems like a madhouse to Styx-12 as he enters, his own titan armor occasionally splashed with booze. He doesn't care, however, charging directly into the center of the brawl in an attempt to stop it. When he speaks his voice is gravely and robotic, an obvious tell of his exo frame, but it is also stern and loud enough for everyone in the bar to hear without yelling. It's that voice your dad uses when you're in deep shit*
Terminate your fighting. Now, before things get rough for everyone here
The three Titans still fighting stopped, and stood in a line, "Sorry sir." But then Mason stepped out of line, "Wait a minute, I'm supposed to be the Dad here."
Bramd - old
Yeah well you're a pretty shit one at the moment. *He glares at all of them through his helm, going down the line, slapping each one in the face with his swoll titan hands, leaving a painful welt* Look at yourselves. You call yourselves Guardians, Titans, and at this moment you're making all others who call themselves the same are embarrassed by you. And you wonder why the Fallen laugh at you, and why the Hive don't fear the very ground your tread upon. -
The the two men hung their heads in shame. "I'm sorry," Jade asked, "But who do you think you are?"
Bramd - old
Someone that has to keep you in line so long as I am here *He pushes everyone around them away to make a path to the exit* You guys. Follow me