originally posted in:The New Dojo
The Titan would receive a withering hellstorm as the fighter flew over the Assassin and Caroline's head so fast it'd knock them on their asses.
The missile got closer, and closer, until the shimmering orange hardlight field winked into existence and enveloped the explosive and the resulting detonation without any outward damage -a testament to Alpha's craftsmanship-.
She frowned as she saw the energy spike that accompanied the assassin's cloaking gear, though she couldn't see it
[quote] Drake! You got spec ops down there! Check your six![/quote]
Drake spun around to check his flank, blaster drawn. He looked down at the snow, seeing if he saw any of the telltale signs of cloaking, like footsteps, but the snow was coming down too hard for him to tell. “Stay put, I’m on my way!” He shouted out, as he sprinted towards Caroline’s general position. Drake would recognize her, but he wouldn’t be able to see the cloaked spec-ops soldier while running.
Caroline heard him, but was still... preoccupied with her current predicament. "Fine," the cloaked assassin said, putting down his weapon, "If you won't come along willingly..." He smiled. "Initiate protocol 25. Authorization code: Omega -74695." Caroline's vision started to to blur, and she suddenly felt... tired. What was... ------------------------------- Another ship arrived, seemingly heavily armored. It circled, flying by the area and scouting for Drake. It fired at any other threats that came near.