originally posted in:The New Dojo
[b]It was about a mile to the west.[/b]
“Yeah? Where’s it at? We landed at the entrance, might be kinda far.”
Silver took a depe breath before following, averting her gaze from the corpse. "You have anger issues."
“Yep. Beating the shit out of these things is how I get it out of my system.”
"You should get an actual punchimg bag. Or maybe hit me, but don't hit poor creatures."
“Well, I hit you and you tried to stand your ground. And I do have a punching bag.”
"W-Well, if there's anything I can do to help you get that anger out on me instead of the animals I'll happily do it."
“The animals would kill me anyways, so why do you care if I beat the shit out of them?”
"I...Just hit me or something instead, please? I don't care, I can heal..." She sighed.
“I’m literally paid to beat the shit out of things. It’s what I do for money. You won’t change anything.”
"But can't you do it more efficiently? Like, straight up kill them? Please, I'll do anything in return."
“I’m given specific orders by some people. This contract said to make it suffer. Didn’t tell you because I know you wouldn’t go with it.”
"Ugh! You people are disgusting. I'm not helping if we'll be torturing animals!"
“It’s not always animals, and it’s not always making them suffer. It just depends on what the contract is. And you wouldn’t want to abandon Rian, now would you?”
"W-Well, no. I'm not going on these bounties though. I refuse to partake."
“You’re still going to need to make some money. This is the best way.”
"I guess I'll make it a little slower. Though, I can get a second job to speed it up a little..." She grinned a little. "I think my friend Nat can help me with that."
“You gonna ask her for money or something? Need to do the work for yourself, girlie. No work doesn’t deserve any play.”
She giggled, shaking her head. "So many assumptions there. I was planning on getting a job through her connections."
“Job through a crimelord isn’t gonna be any better than my bounty-hunting.”
"Crimelord?" She sighed. "Stop assuming. It won't be illegal or violent."
“What? You gonna be a prostie?” [b]He laughs, looking over at her.[/b] “Probably the worst thing you could do.”
"Wh-Why? You don't think I could?" She sounded offended now for...obvious reasons. "People love me."
“Just saying that I’ve been hired to clean up my fair share of chunks of dead prostitute. People don’t like to pay.”
Silver whimpered, now looking scared. "W-Well, I could protect myself."
“Yeah, but I was able to put my boot in your face even despite that. Actually... I have a proposition for you.”
"What's that?" She asked, looking scared of what he'd think of.