originally posted in:The New Dojo
“You’re a bit of a toucher, aren’t you? Could be useful, if we need to lure somebody out of hiding.”
"That means something is probably about to kill us so that's fun."
“Or maybe the thing we’re hunting is about to tear us to shreds for fun. Oh well, if we die Rian will know. At least then you’ll get your wish of her being free. Or as free as she can be when she’s stuck in a rustbucket.”
"Well, I doubt it can hurt us too bad actually..." Silver mumbled, continuing to follow.
“Maybe not you, you’ve got a ton of magic stuff. I’m just a guy with armor and a bow.”
"My magic is based around protecting groups. You're as protected as I am."
“Just don’t underestimate it. I’ve learned that over the years. Never underestimate your prey. Ever.”
"Oh alright, how much further?"
“Just a few minutes away.”
Silver stayed silent, focusing on sensing everything she could nearby.
[b]Suddenly, the feeling of hate and instinct grew larger and larger, before a giant, green lizard slammed into Theodynn, him cursing and yelling as it tried to tear into his armor, without avail.[/b] “GET THIS GODDAMNED THING OFF ME!”
"Gah!" Silver flinched for a brief moment before rushing over. She made a pushing motion with her hands and a strong force pushed the lizard.
[b]It would slide off of Theo, turning and basically screaming at Silver. It would then jump on her, clawing and biting. Theodynn was slashing it with something from the back, but it seemed very, very pissed off.[/b]
Silver put up her arms to block, flinching again. The creature ran right into a barrier of blue light, like running into a wall of concrete.
[b]It would claw and claw at the protective wall for a second, but eventually would go back to Theodynn. A helmet had appeared on his face, no visor able to be seen. He would stick the knife into the lizard’s stomach as it lunged, and would try to pull it out to no avail.[/b]
She did another push, hoping to knock it away from Theo and give him more time. "Come on, you have to have something stronger!"
“GODDAMMIT WHY DID YOU KNOCK HIM AWAY I WOULD’VE SAID IF I WANTED YOU TO!” [b]Theodynn would run towards the lizard, and he would form a lance from the prism. The lance would sink into the lizard, and he would bring it upwards, raising it over his head and smashing it into the ground.[/b]
"You're welcome..." She rolled her eyes, just standing back now.
[b]He would nail the lizard into the ground with the lance, and then would begin to just beat the shit out of it with his fists, cursing and yelling again. Seems that’s how he got his frustration out. Eventually it would be left there, looking pretty pathetic, whining and trying to weakly crawl away as Theodynn would send his boot crashing into its spine. He wasn’t just killing the thing. He was torturing it.[/b]
"H-Hey! Stop!" Silver ran over and pulled on Theo's arm. "You're just torturing him!"
“And it was trying to murder us, your point?!” [b]He kept stomping it, the lizard squealing and screaming in pain, bones audibly breaking and grinding.[/b]
Silver used her push to knock him off, kneeling next to the lizard and touching it. She took away the pain, exchanging it for bliss. "That's wrong! No one deserves to be tortured!"
[b]He would walk right over to her, and attempt to kick her.[/b] “Say that to the bottom of my boot.” [b]The lizard would stop squealing, just looking around confusedly.[/b]
She fell back from being kicked, wincing in pain as she tried to stand back up. "I-I won't let you...."
“Sadly, you don’t really get a choice in this at all. In the slightest.” [b]He would return to the lizard, beating it more and more.[/b]
Before he could hit it, she pushed him off again. "N-No..."