originally posted in:The New Dojo
Silver sighed, walking in.
"No, it's fine. I'll be forced to trust you, I guess."
[b]Rian would sigh heavily, beginning to type yet again.[/b] “[i]I wish everything didn’t have to resort to violence...[/i]”
"I won't do anything violent, Rian. That's not what I meant by danger...just that others may get violent with me."
“[i]If things get violent just leave, please.[/i]”
"I'll try, Rian. I'll see you again in a bit, okay?"
“[i]Alright. Goodbye, Silver.[/i]”
"Goodbye, Rian!" She waved goodbye as she left.
[b]When she would get out, Theodynn would look at her.[/b] “How’d it go?”
"I'm going to find a way to make her able to get off this ship now. She seens rather nice."
“Yeah, but you make any progress? Distract her at all with at least something? If you gave her something to think about, might not be on my ass all the time.”
"Umm...Maybe freedom? Maybe she'll think about me? I don't know..."
“Wait... Freedom? Did you tell her she was going to be able to leave, Silver?”
"W-Well, I said I'd figure out a way to somehow pay you and make her not be attached to the ship..."
“You’d have to find me a new bot for that to work. And droid’s ain’t cheap.”
"I'd get you one that's not sentient...a better, more updated one! Just so long as Rian gets to go free."
“You give me the bot, you can have her. I’m in it for efficiency. Couldn’t care less what Rian thinks or does.”
"Thank you! I'll get right no it! I'll just...have to figure out how to get momey. Any idea what I could do?"
“No clue. Trying to get some cash here myself. Why would I tell you on any leads I have?”
"Thought you might know of things a girl like I can do that you can't."
“Heh. Sorry, but I don’t look into those job prospects. I’m a merc, remember? Ignore everything that’s not merc business.”
"I guess..." She sighed. "I could maybe help you with merc business sometime? That pays well, right? Think about how my abilities could help!"
“Sure, girlie. You wanna tag along, I’ll give you a cut. Not a big cut, but a cut. You’ll get... Fifteen percent. Maybe more if you do a good job.”
"Alright. That's something. Thank you!" She moved to hug him before stopping herself. "Sorry."
“You’re a bit of a toucher, aren’t you? Could be useful, if we need to lure somebody out of hiding.”
"Uhh, I guess. I could always make an illusion too, like have them think a fire is behind them."
“Bounty work isn’t always about getting somebody. We also do scouting and searching.”