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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
1/6/2018 5:17:00 AM
[b]Several people around a woman cowering in fear? Not unusual in any aspect. He didn’t really know what they were planning for her, looked like most likely a robbery. Possibly something worse, but what they were doing didn’t change much. It was how much either side would pay, didn’t matter in what. Cash, favors, equipment, anything really. He didn’t really see a bunch of street thugs having anything more than some chump change or shitty weapons. Maybe a welfare check if he was lucky. He would reveal himself at this point, walking out into the light. Everything about him was rainbow-colored, his armor completely flamboyant. His skin was pale, and his hair was a white color. He had a bandanna around his mouth and nose, covering most of his face. There was a prism strapped to his side, which he gripped.[/b] “Well, fellas. Seems you’ve got quite something here. Now, I ain’t here to white knight the shit out of you, but I’m not here to just let you take the girl. Now... For you fellas to leave with the girl and all your blood, I’m gonna need a little incentive.” [b]He would then look straight at the girl, his eyes staying the same stern expression.[/b] “Now, if you’ve got a counter-proposition, then I’m open to all offers. All it takes is one good deal to wipe these guys off the map, girlie.”

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  • Silver's smile changed to looking of nostalgia. "Yeah, I can. They were great for the most part. We had a few issues with some of us seeing ourselves as above other races, but we were generally a good, peaceful people. It was a utopia really....The parades and festivals we'd have in my hometown were just amazing. The colors and affects of the fireworks always amazed me, even if the loud noises scared me as a kid." She giggled. "It's a shame that we let it fall because of being stubborn and seeing things as black and white rather than knowing there's always that grey between the two."

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  • “[i]You say a utopia? Something that’s amazing and perfect? I severely doubt you saw the underbelly of your society, then. All societies have an ugly side, your race would not be an exception. There were probably workers toiling away while the rest of you were enjoying the pretty colors and sweet sounds. I’m not bashing your race, as I said everything else is like that too, but you are being much too naive.[/i]”

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  • Silver chuckled and shook her head. "Magic took care of that, like I said we only had racism issues which of course...led to the genocide. We didn't react correctly to the threat at hand and we made it worse. The thing is, we didn't realize how imperfect we were until most of our race was already dead. We didn't realize how all of the things we once thought of as strengths turned to weakness the second we had to fight."

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  • [b]Rian laughed out loud at this point, hitting herself in the knee.[/b] “Magic?! Are you seriously telling me you think magic exists?” [b]She then looks at Silver, and her face goes straight.[/b] “Oh... You’re serious... Sweetie... Hate to break it to you, but magic is just science that most people can’t explain. Miracles don’t exist. There’s always an explanation.”

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  • Silver just laughed back. "For an android you assume a lot. There isn't a scientific explanation for everything, sorry. Maybe you'll see that one day, but I won't force you too."

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  • “[i] I have created thesises as to why so-called mages can make people disappear out of thin air, never to be seen again. And they were accepted. Everything has an explanation. And there’s a difference between an explanation, and how it is made. Let’s take fire, for instance. Let’s say a mage makes fire in their hands. Well, all they’re doing is heating the oxygen in the air up until it combusts, using the particulates as fuel for the fire, and they create a gravitational well that pulls in material to keep it going. I do not know how they make it happen, but I do know the scientific processes behind it. You understand?[/i]”

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  • "Yeah, but that's nothing new. All competent mages I've met know that. The magic isn't the part where you nake the particles move so fast they turn into fire, it's the step before."

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  • “No, if you understand how something works it is no longer a miracle or a type of magic. It’s a science.”

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  • "But you don't know how they got the energy. It's magic."

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  • “But we understand how it works. The way it is created is a different thing altogether.”

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  • Edited by Stitch: 1/6/2018 8:37:35 AM
    "Okay? I'm just saying magic does exist. You can't even come close to explaining my ability to teleport without talking about certain magical energies."

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  • “[i] Easy. You rearrange your atoms using a combination of heat and pressure to convert it into different matter, while simultaneously reconstructing yourself in the same matter in a different location.[/i]”

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  • "Nope." She shook her head. "That would kill me."

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  • “No, no it would not. If you create an exact copy of yourself while rearranging the other you, you are still you and exist. You would not die.”

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  • "No, that would mean you're in an entirely new body. You're a copy...not the real you."

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  • “[i] And as an android that makes perfect sense and could totally happen.[/i]”

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  • "Rian, you really should get out and see the beauty of the world." Silver sighed "Maybe I can make a deal with your owner somehow."

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  • “[i]I literally cannot leave this ship, Silver. And I know he cares at least somewhat, or he would’ve sent me to the junker. I’m very outdated.[/i]”

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  • "Why can't you leave?" She asked, getting up.

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  • “[i]I was fused with this ship by my previous owner. Unless you know a master programmer, if I try to leave I will die.[/i]”

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  • "We could get you one. It probably wouldn't be too hard, right?"

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  • “[i]No, wouldn’t be hard at all. The problem would be getting enough money to hire them to help me out. And Theo won’t pay. He wants me to do his busywork.[/i]”

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  • "Maybe I can help there then!" Silver hugged her. "I'll get ya out."

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  • [b]Rian would freeze up, looking very scared for a second.[/b] “[i]If you do that too rough it will unplug those wires and I will die. Please be gentle.[/i]”

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  • "I am, Rian." She let go. "Too bad you don't enjoy hugs."

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