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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
1/6/2018 3:23:49 AM
"That ship's heavily armored," Caroline said, noticing that he had pulled out a weapon, "Unless you have some sort of heavy anti-air artillery, that thing's not going down."

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  • “Right...” Drake looked over across the woods at where he came from. Though the area was obscured by dense foliage, and out of eyesight, his hovercraft was still over in that general direction. There was a chance that they could make a break for it in that rustbucket. He raised a wrist-comm panel to his face, and spoke quickly into it. “Sawyer, bring the Arrowhead over to my coordinates ASAP. We need evac pronto.” Drake gave a reassuring nod to Caroline as he closed the channel, and readied his blaster for whatever enemies crawled out of the ship.

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  • Several robotic units were deployed for the ship itself, along with a small group of ARES class shock-troopers. However, what surfaced from the woods themselves was a black Ogre-class Titan, equipped with deployable missile launchers, a shield-dome, and an ballistic anti-personnel blaster cannon. "Drake," she said, more urgently, "We need to get the -blam!- out of here. Now."

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  • Drake looked back at his hovercraft, and suddenly remembered a fatal detail: the ship only had one seat. If the Arrowhead didn't make it here in time... only one of them was gonna make it out of here. After the speech he'd just given, Drake wasn't particularly motivated to abandon Caroline once more. He kept his blaster low, and quietly called out to her. "I've got a repulser-craft a few hundred meters Northeast of us. If shit goes downhill.... the keys are in the ignition. Only problem..." Drake hesitated, thoughts of self-preservation pushed aside for the moment, "... There'd only be room for one of us. But it shouldn't come to that, as long as Sawyer doesn't take his bloody time with bringing the ship around."

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  • "Let's hope it doesn't come to that." Caroline replied, trying to hide from the Titan. It started to scan the area for life signs, and troops began to comb the area.

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  • “Hey...” Drake called out to Caroline quietly, but sharply enough so that he’d get her attention. His eyes met hers, and for a moment, the glance spoke more eloquently than any words could. It was a look of regret, perhaps remorse as well, but underlying all of it was the fiery determination that drove a man to do stupid things. Stupid, brave things. “Just... thank you. For not giving up on me.” Michael nodded his head in the general direction of the repulser-craft, and winked at her. Then he placed an explosive on the trunk of the tree, and made a bolt in the opposite direction, firing over his shoulder at the horde of machines.

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  • "No!" Caroline cried, but it was too late. Drake had already created the diversion, and Frontier was falling for it. The machines fired upon where he was, and the Titan fired its missiles. And she ran. Approaching the clearing, she would attempt to enter the repulser craft, checking it for weapons. Anything that she could use to help Drake out. After all, she couldn't just leave him here.

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  • Edited by GingerlyWalnut3: 1/7/2018 10:43:51 PM
    [spoiler]Sorry for complicating this, but can you reply to my reply to Sonic? [/spoiler] Drake threw himself behind a tree, barely dodging the missile, which exploded a few feet behind him, sending snow and dirt flying into the air. He got up, and fired a few shots back at the machines from behind cover, trying to get their attention. With his other hand he grasped the detonator. When the Titan got close enough to the tree, he'd blow the charge, and hopefully crush the Titan, or perhaps several machines, under the weight of the tall tree. _______________ Meanwhile, the hovercraft didn't have much in terms of armament. There was a smattering of random compartments along the cockpit, most of which was cluttered with unfamiliar technology. In the back, there was a disassembled sniper rifle, but it wasn't yet loaded. ______________ Gritting his teeth in anticipation, Drake looked up into the sky, waiting for his crew to come through with backup.

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  • Even as the pair fought for their lives, a screeching noise could be heard iver the chaos as a black ship entered the fray. However, a sloppily painted arrow adorned it's side. A battery of plasma accelerators opened up and blasted the Titan to hell, then a line of baddies as it made a pass [quote]Drake!?!? What the hell is going on??[/quote]

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  • [spoiler]Don't reply to this. It's gonna go me, Kruos, you, repeat for a little while, aight?[/spoiler] "Alpha... It's a long story. Just pick us up and I'll tell you everything." Drake fired at the stragglers, emboldened by Alpha's bombing run. With his prosthetic eye, he tried to find Caroline through the dense foliage and snow, but he couldn't find her. Taking cover behind another tree, he yelled out to her, "Hey Caroline, can you hear me?" He shouted.

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  • "Drake?" She said, abandoning the ship but grabbing the rifle. Caroline tried to go over to him... "Don't you move, girl." A voice said from behind her. It was an assassin, sent by Frontier as an auxiliary. "The General wants you back, you little shit. He [i]needs[/i] you. Make this easy and just obey." ------------------------------ While the Titan was damaged, it wasn't destroyed. It's shield dome managed to absorb part of it. In response, it aimed its remaining missile at the attacking vessel and fired.

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  • The Titan would receive a withering hellstorm as the fighter flew over the Assassin and Caroline's head so fast it'd knock them on their asses. The missile got closer, and closer, until the shimmering orange hardlight field winked into existence and enveloped the explosive and the resulting detonation without any outward damage -a testament to Alpha's craftsmanship-. She frowned as she saw the energy spike that accompanied the assassin's cloaking gear, though she couldn't see it [quote] Drake! You got spec ops down there! Check your six![/quote]

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  • Drake spun around to check his flank, blaster drawn. He looked down at the snow, seeing if he saw any of the telltale signs of cloaking, like footsteps, but the snow was coming down too hard for him to tell. “Stay put, I’m on my way!” He shouted out, as he sprinted towards Caroline’s general position. Drake would recognize her, but he wouldn’t be able to see the cloaked spec-ops soldier while running.

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  • Caroline heard him, but was still... preoccupied with her current predicament. "Fine," the cloaked assassin said, putting down his weapon, "If you won't come along willingly..." He smiled. "Initiate protocol 25. Authorization code: Omega -74695." Caroline's vision started to to blur, and she suddenly felt... tired. What was... ------------------------------- Another ship arrived, seemingly heavily armored. It circled, flying by the area and scouting for Drake. It fired at any other threats that came near.

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