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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
Edited by Kruos the Wicked: 1/6/2018 5:13:52 PM
[b][i][u]Prologue: To a Place Once Called Home[/u][/i][/b] [spoiler]Doing something a little different. Haven't seen much of these, so I thought I'd give it a whirl. Treasure hunt! Well... sort of. Just trust me it'll be fun. If anyone has any adventurers, treasure hunters, explorers, or anyone who fits the bill, please. Throw them here. Or not. It honestly doesn't matter that much in the big picture. Just trying to add some variety here. And yes, there will be a reward.[/spoiler] [url=]A (Not Really) Random Bar, Dojoville, 11:19pm[/url] [url=]Sarah Childs[/url] walked into the building casually, soon sitting down at the bar. She eyed the people there, making sure she wasn't being watched, and then proceeded to wait for the bartender to come around. Once he did, she got out the money in advance, and placed her order. "Hey. Get me a glass of that weird stuff," she said, a calm yet spirited air to her voice, "The glowy one. I forget what it's called." The bartender nodded, grabbing a bottle and pouring the glowing liquid into a glass. She paid, got her drink, and took a sip. Satisfied, she assured the bartender she didn't want anything else. But that wasn't necessarily her choice. A man, dressed in a very tasteful business suit, sat down next to her. He was a fairly familiar acquaintance of hers, and it had been years since she had last seen him. Wavy brown hair and green eyes. It was like it she was back in time. But now, she recognized her former friend as a thief who prided himself on how much he could pass as a legitimate business man. William. "I'll have a glass of... well... you know." The man said to the bartender, who would soon move to the back in an effort to find the drink. Will turned to Sarah, smiling slightly with a look in his eye. It was hard to tell if his emotion was genuine, but regardless. She still had a [i]big[/i] problem to deal with. "Hello Sarah." He said, his tone cold yet calm, "Nice to see you again." She looked at him curiously, wondering where this conversation would go... "Yeah? What the fuсk do you want, Will?" She replied, "I just want to sit here, have a drink or two, and leave. You know, like a normal person." "You and I both know that I can't do that. I told you what would happen if you came back here, Sarah." "Please, just let me go. I don't want anybody to get killed today." "Oh don't worry. No one in here is going to get a scratch. You on the other hand... well... you're not going to be in here. Boys! Take her out back." ------------------------------ [url=]Back Alleyway, Three minutes later...[/url] "You son of a-" she said, before being kicked in the stomach. Sarah spat at the ground in defiance as the man looked at her. "Give me the device. Now." He said. And with her silence he ordered his men to hit her again, and again, and again. That was until a small black, pyramid-shaped device fell from her jacket. William reached down slowly, picking it up with great caution. He inspected it, verifying its authenticity. Once he was satisfied, he slipped it into his own pocket. Yet Sarah remained silent. "Thank you for your contributions," he said, taunting her, as a sleek black car pulled up at the entrance to the alley. He got into it, closed the passenger door with a loud [i]thud[/i], and drove off. "Well, well, well. Look who we have 'ere," one of the grunts said, as he felt through her hair. A bandit probably, judging by his accent and demeanor. "What's a pretty lass like you doin' in a place like this, eh? Oh, we're gonna have some [i]fun[/i]." He was about to do something, until a piercing whistle got the man's attention. He took his hand away from her face, and the others let her go. They went inside, closing the heavy metal door behind them. She was alone. Sarah stood up, spitting residual blood at the ground. She limped out of the alleyway, and sat down against the brick wall of an abandoned building next to the bar. Taking out her lighter, she lit a cigarette, and resigned herself to the reality of her situation. She had just lost one of the most important artifacts of her career to a complete idiot, who would probably just sell it on the black market, and had barely any idea on where he could have gone. Here's hoping luck would shift in her favor... [spoiler]Open! Mainly for interaction. If you're interested at all in the plot itself, tell me in a spoiler. It'll dictate what she tells you. Only need a few people though.[/spoiler] [spoiler]And if you [i]are[/i] wanting to partake in this interesting Uncharted/Tomb Radier-style treasure hunt, please don't bring anyone super OP or magical. Takes the fun out of it.[/spoiler]

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  • "Bounty hunting. Was supposed to punch some asshole in the face. ...Not you. Sorry." [i]The woman sighed a little, as her hand would leave her blaster's grip, looking at the woman's injuries silently. She shook her head a little, then.[/i] "We should get you patched up a little. A lot."

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  • "Now [i]that's[/i] a shame. I could use another good punch." Sarah remarked jokingly, "As for getting patched up. Yeah. I can agree with that." She glanced around, making sure they still weren't interested in her. "Let's get out of this place, shall we? At least, just away from... here." She gestured to the area around her. "If you wouldn't mind."

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  • "I'll hit you if you want, just ask and I'll deliver." [i]The Mandalorian would respond, though clearly jesting with Sarah at that.[/i] "I've got a place for you, though, where we can patch you up. A.. ah, buddy lended it to me. I hope you don't mind... well, you'll see when we get there. And if you want a name, well.. Zera." [i]Zera would nod her head to Sarah, then, perhaps out of respect for.. well, keeping calm after getting the shit beaten out of you was decently respectable.[/i]

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  • "Zera..." she said, processing, "Cool. How far away is this place, by the way? If you don't mind me asking."

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  • "Few minutes away if we walk, residential district of this hole. If you're worried about guys following you or something.. well.. I'm an okay shot, I guess." [i]Zera murmured, now walking down the sidewalk. Though, she would keep watch on Sarah, seeing if she could at least walk alongside her.[/i]

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  • Edited by Kruos the Wicked: 1/8/2018 2:13:15 AM
    She was limping, sort of, but she was able to walk. Pretty well in fact. Surprisingly since she was just beat up, but Zera could see that she was tired. "I guess we should... make our way there?" Sarah said, eying the street around her, "Hopefully another one of those basterds doesn't show up and rob me again. Kind of glad really that someone else showed up."

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  • "They rob you, they get a blaster aimed at their head and a shot sent through their skull." [i]Zera would slow down, at least bothering to help Sarah as she held her being.[/i] "...Depends on what you'd want, though. I can stun them too. Go right for the kill, too. Don't yell at me for being indecisive on my own, but I'm used to following orders more than anything."

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