originally posted in:The New Dojo
He noticed Widow's apprehensiveness.
"I'll say it again, Ms. Widow. No need to worry about me being Farcon or one of his chairmen. They said you were here to escape the Courier's reach... but I wouldn't fault you one bit if the distance from the Court was more reassuring."
Mason didn't like Farcon any more than he had to. While he was a chairman as the main Dojo contact for the Valravyn, he had no love for the God-Eater. He had his job and he did it well. Nothing more and nothing less.
[i]She understood that he meant well, and she gave an honest smile. She remained silent, however. Rachael knew she was blushing and wanted out of there as soon as possible. If only he knew why the Courier wanted her dead, or what Lucien had done to her... such was karma, and she probably had more coming.[/i] “Distance from the mongrels leaves me operating room.” [i]Inferno said, breaking the awkward silence.[/i] “And I intend to do as I have intended. We will be retrieving Shrike and Sidewinder. The payout, I assure you, will be worth the potential risk.”
His eyes fell sideways to Inferno. "You left the mongrels for some even mangier dogs," his tone now surprisingly dark, "don't forget where you are. Living with the insane had made me cherish any inkling of sanity back on Amoridia. Even Farcon's kind." There it was again. That same disdain that was directed to the Courier in his earlier statement. An enemy of the Courier wouldn't be that surprising, considering his notorious reputation.
[i]Inferno said nothing, silent as he watched the man. Widow looked rather uncomfortable, and ready to leave. After a moment, however, Inferno spoke coldly.[/i] “Tell Farcon I need a team. We move on the prison when I have enough men.”
Mason nodded, his previous tone immediately dropping. "Consider it done. Anything else?" He wasn't blind to notice the duo's time having expired at Billhook.
“No. But expect resistance when I return with my assets.” [i]Inferno remarked, before leaving, Widow following in tow.[/i] [spoiler]End until we pick up for the assault[/spoiler]