originally posted in:The New Dojo
"Over my years of being who I am, I've learned that I should appreciate gifts like these. I can only hope that any other [b]customers[/b] you get can do the same as well Mason."
Samuel stood still for a moment as he pondered about something. The eeriness of the mix of the mask and silence taking effect almost immediately before he removed the hood and took the mask off.
"There are many things one person can learn. I have a proposal for you Mason. What if I told you I had a friend who wishes to learn...more, like you did. His name is Daniel Creed and he's a ex-engineer from a PMC and a general whiz with technology. This can be quite the work doing it single handed, perhaps you could consider hiring him here?"
His eyes lit up. It often got lonely at Billhook, save for the customers of the Dojo who passed in and out. He never apprenticed anyone at SAD either, retiring early before that could happen. "Send his file to command for the standard screening. If it wasn't for that, I'd say send him over right now. As well as the drones are, it's always good to have a new set of ideas on deck."
Edited by Obi-Emp Kenobi: 1/6/2018 5:00:10 AMSamuel nodded as he placed the mask down on the counter and rifled through his winter greatcoat to grab his PDA. With a few presses and some scrolling he had sent the engineer's file to command for review. "Done. You should be getting a new employee if he passes. Once again thank you for the suit and the mask, it was a pleasant surprise." Samuel told Mason as he put the PDA back in it's original spot. He was certainly one of the more kinder people he met in his travels. "Farewell Mason, I'll come here if I need anything that requires your personal touch." [spoiler]End if you want.[/spoiler]