originally posted in:The New Dojo
[b]He spotted no such people, just tourist with bits and bobbles from the various gift shops.
As he looked, He spotted a couple walking together, carrying a shopping bag with a necromatic Ritual circle on it, heading for the Mountain Lift.[/b]
*He immediately began pursuit, following silently and remaining as out-of-sight as he could. Once they had gotten onto the lift, he hopped up and clung to the underside. He had no trouble holding on, all four of his hands wrapped firmly around a support bar. He didn’t look down as they began to rise, preferring to try and listen in on any conversation they might be having.*
[b]Idle chat about the view, plans on where they wanted to eat lunch, mostly just a lovey-Dover couple enjoying their tenth anniversary apparently. As you were considering letting go as they were baby talking for the twelfth time, the woman said something interesting.[/b] [i]"That Necrotel place was quite something wasn't it honey? They really put in some good work on it will all those fun artifacts they had, and the fun backstory they had with it? I almost believed it for a moment!"[/i] [b]Necrotel. That seemed to be where they'd gotten the bag from. Probably a good place to at least start.[/b]
*[i]Bingo,[/i] thought mittens, hanging onto the lift even once they had gotten off. He rode it back down to the resort and disembarked as another couple got on. He scampered inside and located a window with a view of the city.* *The cat scanned the buildings in search of a possible sign that read [i]Necrotel.[/i]*
[b]It was fairly easy to find from the big purple neon sign outside a fairly well sized hotel motel hybrid.[/b] [u]NECROTEL Come stay, It's to DIE for![/u] [b]Yeah, that's the place.[/b]
*He nodded to himself. He could get there, but he would need a ride. He scampered outside and knocked over a couple of skis that had been leaning up against the resort’s exterior. He got on one and pushed off, sending himself sliding down toward the mass of buildings. He dragged his hind legs in the snow to keep from gaining too much speed, but would lift them up every now and then when they got cold.*
[b]Nothing of note happened on the way down, and before long he had reached the Necrotel. Now serving free breakfast with room check in.[/b]
*[i]Free breakfast, that sounds nice,[/i] he thought before shaking his head. This is that necromartyr place or whatever the magic is called, the food there most likely is not healthy.* *He slinked toward the building, his ears tilting around to try and cover for where he couldn’t see. The cat moved around to the back in search of a possible rear entrance.*
[b]There was a rear entrance for the kitchen, likely to get to the dumpster. It was shut tight, however.[/b]
*He snapped his fingers with disappointment. We wasn’t in a great position to actually attempt a break in. He snuck back to the entrance and scampered inside just behind a guest.*
[b]The room was lit by refs lights, with nice black couches to sit on, with deep red carpeting. The walls were covered in diagrams and pictures of demons and summoning circles. As the patrons walked in, there was a flash of smoke. As a cat, you saw a sly hidden entrance in the wall open and close as a young woman stepped out, before the smoke cleared and she stood before the guests, welcoming them to the Necrotel.[/b]
*He hid under a chair and listened closely to what she was saying. He also kept on the lookout for anything out of the ordinary. At least, for anything [i]more[/i] out of the ordinary.*
[b]Simple greeting stuff, welcome to the Necrotel, bla bla. They got the guests signed in for a premium Necrotel experience though, and began to lead them to their room.[/b]
*He followed one of the guests to their room and attempted to sneak in just behind them.*
[b]The room was behind a large, ornately carved door of a snarling horse of demons ascending towards a scowling sun. After a small ceremony of presenting the gemstone key to the snarling sun, they were admitted to the room. You managed to slink in behind them, ending up in the room inside unnoticed. The room itself was fairiy decently sized, not a suite but this hotel probably didn't have any of those. The room was cozy with wooden walls with fake blood stains smeared on them in necromatic circles, the bed was carved to look like it was supported by hundreds of writhing dead, and the lamps all burned purple, but it was actually a very nice room. [/b]
*[i]Why the heck would anyone want to stay here?[/i] thought mittens as he shuffled around the room in search of evil. He made sure to avoid the gaze of the current occupants, which was no easy task due to the room’s size.*
[b]The whole room seemed, at least styled to be evil, but not anything more sinister than what you would expect of a hotel with a gimmick.[/b]
*He sighed mentally. Bordrick scampered to the door and jumped, taking ahold of the handle and pulling it down. He put a foot on the doorframe and pushed it open. He then dropped to the floor and scampered down the hall.* [spoiler]Here’s a ref: http://i.imgur.com/MHi2Rql.jpg Also his name is now Bordrick the Vile.[/spoiler]
[b]As he scampered down the hall, he was spotted. A young woman coming out of a room, wearing the white robes of an employee, carrying a stack of towels. She put the towels down and approached you, but the moment she saw the people hands she screamed and started running.[/b]
*[i]Huh, I guess my hands are useful for scaring people too...[/i] he thought as he continued down the hall and back into the lobby.*