[i]"Huh, nice." Booker finished up with his drink. "I think I ought to be getting out of here soon. It was nice talking to you, er..." [/i]
"Alex. It was fun talking to you too..."
[i]"Booker." Alex seemed cool enough in Booker's opinion, so he grabbed a pen from his pocket and a napkin. He wrote his phone number on it with the words "Let's hang out sometime" on it, and he slid it to Alex. He didn't mean it in a romantic way, to be clear. [/i]
"If I called this could I help kill some people with no strings attached?" She asked, taking the paper.
"On what?" She raised a brow, expecting a catch.
[i]Booker sat down and looked around, before leaning on the table. He spoke with a hushed tone and had a serious expression on his face, yet he didn't want to appear as an ass. "First things first, my line of work doesn't exactly let me be too friendly. Are you okay with killing people who are good at heart?" [/i]
"Dude, I don't care as long as I get to hunt them." She leaned towards him in a hushed tone as well. "I won't ask questions."
[i]"Good. Secondly: How particular about the company you keep are you? And do you mind being surrounded on a ship by a bunch of guys who will likely try to make constant remarks about your body?"[/i]
"Am I allowed to tear one apart as to set an example?"
[i]"Absolutely not. That's still my crew - Stay with me and it won't happen, they'll think you're a high-ranking crewmate." [/i]
"Hmm. Fine, I won't. I might snarl and hit one, but I won't injure them in anyway. That okay?"
"Yes. Thirdly, do you have any guns or armour?"
Edited by Stitch: 1/5/2018 2:04:17 AM"Umm...sort of have armor? Not a big gun person. Shooting fire and using my large fists is what I'm good at. Also, horns help with charging." Weirdly, she had no sign of horns.
"Oh, right!" She nervously laughed. "If you bring me along you'll see. I sorta become a bit bigger with skin of hard rock, lava, and huge horns, big mouth with sharp teeth....It's a bit different."
[i]"Alright. So when do you want to go do that stuff?" [/i]
"Anytime you want as often as you want and I'll do it for free."
[i]"Alright. You have a phone right?" [/i]
[i]"Damn. Any way to contact me at all?" [/i]
"Do you have a spare phone? I guess that's my cost to hire."
[i]"No. How about I give you some money for one?" [/i]
Edited by Stitch: 1/5/2018 2:16:08 AM"That works! I can have my friend Charles show me how to use it. It'll be fine. I'll call this number later if we're not going out to kill right now."
[i]"We'll go later. See you then." And with that, Booker took his leave. [/i]