originally posted in:The New Dojo
“No idea. People don’t exactly think straight when you come back from permadeath.”
“Oh.” [b][i]Angelo said, his tone switching to a more somber one.[/i][/b] “I’m sorry, I didn’t know. Didn’t mean to make you upset.” [b][i]He said, sounding truly sorry for what he had said.[/i][/b]
"Still no idea on what caused it," Flame noted.
“If that’s been the only magical atrocity recently than I doubt its a rogue witch. Possibly a demon or something would be my guess.” [b][i]Angelo said[/i][/b]
"We'll find out," James assured. Blake grinned.
“If it hurt Blake than you can damn well bet I’m in to help find it.”
"Dude. It scorched an entire town and killed a lot of people," Blake said. "For another day."
“My job is to hunt down witches that are more or less demi-gods. Little fire monster isn’t gonna scare me off.” [b][i]He said, grinning a bit[/i][/b]
"Well, the thing is... we have no idea what to do in terms of fighting it," Blake replied. [spoiler]You might want to talk to Cth [/spoiler]
“Water, maybe?” [b][i]He said jokingly.[/i][/b] [spoiler]if we do I will[/spoiler]
"Maybe," James guessed. [spoiler]In terms of the Sentient Fire, talk to Cth. Warning: It might kill Angelo. So you can pirsue Guatdian idea.[/spoiler]
“Either that or bullets might work.”
He grinned.