originally posted in:The New Dojo
"Well, you have to be able to save ass in order to kick some."
“Yeah. Especially when the odds are stacked like 50 to 1 in their favour.”
"They never are..."
“Well, I know your friends will be glad to see you again. Possibly a little angry if they think you faked your own death, but happy.” [b][i]He said, smiling a bit. It was strange though, that Angelo didn’t even know James, yet he treated him as if they were good friends.[/i][/b]
"Why would I fake getting my throat slit?"
“No idea. People don’t exactly think straight when you come back from permadeath.”
"Well, I don't know how I came back. I was chatting with Ulysses S. Grant. Then suddenly, I'm back in my own body and this magic-wielding girl was standing in front of me and gave Delphi back to me."
“Yknow, if I hadn’t been in this place for a while now I’d say bullshit. Now that just kinda sounds normal...”
“Last time someone did that two fools owed me drinks for the rest of the night, so I’d be careful with that.” [b][i]He said laughing a bit. After a moment the gates of the Dojo were in sight, as Angelo took out his phone, calling Blake.[/i][/b]
"Nah, I'll bet my glimmer on bullshit," he said.
“Dude, my job before this was to kill Demi-god like mages, now I know people who come back from the dead, are possessed by demons, and more. It’s all starting to sound like normal.” [b][i]He said, before calling Blake again, hoping he picked up.[/i][/b] “Cmon man, pick up the phone...” [b][i]He murmured to himself[/i][/b]
"If you're trying to contact a Guardian, you ping their Ghosts," Delphi suggested.
“And how exactly would one do that?” [b][i]He says, looking over to the ghost.[/i][/b] “I’m not one of you guys, don’t know the tricks and shit.”
"Leave that to me," Delphi replied.
“Good. I need you to contact Blake’s ghost.” [b][i]He said. He’d leave James to ask Blake about that later if he chose to.[/i][/b]
"Already on it," Delphi replied.
Edited by Lordbakon: 1/2/2018 6:59:07 PM“Good. Tell him to come open the door for us, if you’d be so kind.”
"Open the door?" Delphi asked, "I'm not going to question it." "Blake... how has he been doing?" James asked.
“I meant the gates to the Dojo. It’s -blam!-ing freezing out here and they shut the gates.” [b][i]He said.[/i][/b] “Blake was doing rough, though he’s better now. He missed you, to say the least.”
"Transmat would be faster," James said. Soon, they were outside the door of Blake's apartment.
“Again, I don’t know these things. Not a guardian.” [b][i]He says, laughing a bit. Angelo knocked on the door, speaking.[/i][/b] “Blake, you home?”
The glasses-wearing Titan opened the door. "Angelo! And--" He paused, looking to James. His eyes widened. "Nu-uh. JJ? Is that you?" Blake asked.
“Oh so he gets a nickname but I don’t? I see how it is.” [b][i]He said jokingly.[/i][/b] “But yeah, as far as I know it’s him.”
Edited by Splashback77: 1/31/2018 1:24:38 AM"Heh heh," Blake laughed, nervously, he stepped to the side, "Come on in."
“Thanks.” [b][i]Angelo said, smiling a bit as he awkwardly assisted James inside, setting him down in the nearest couch or chair[/i][/b]
He sat down. He shivered from the cold. Blake seemed to be causual. He wore a long sleeve flannel short and jeans.