originally posted in:The New Dojo
"Good. I bought Shadow of War. I kill a captain. Sleep for 30 minutes. Kill a Warchief, I sleep for 8 hours."
"Umm...that's cool. Great game." He sat down beside her. "Good to know, but do you want to talk about how you tried drowning yourself?"
Her eyes widened. Then she looked away from him. "I don't want to talk about it," she replied.
"The thing is, it wasn't really a question." He placed a hand softly on her shoulder. "Sarah, I care so so much about you..."
She sighed, "I'm not as mentally stable as I appear to be. I don't know what's wrong with me. I don't know if I'll ever know what's wrong with me."
Bedlam hugged her, holding her tight. "Sarah, I can help you, but you have to let me. I can't force it."
She sighed. "Alright."
"You're so much better than this..." He kissed the top of her head. "You'll get through this."
"No... I don't know better. I have lost my morals of myself and of others. I have no honor. Just... regret," she replied, "Few know what I did."
"Sarah, that's in the past. Look toward the future, Sarah. Look forward, Carolina." He grinned weakly.
"It's hard to see the future... it's filled with uncertainty. It's obscured."
"I can tell you now that I have hope it'll be a happy future. You'll have a nice, happy family, kids that behave...somewhat and love you dearly."
"Well, I hope so. But first, I have a long road ahead."
"And I'll be with you every step of the way." He smiled at her.
"I need someone by my side. Now if you excuse me, I must be going... to sleep."
He sighed. "I guess it's still inappropriate for me to sleep with you, isn't it?"
"Hmm. Fiiiine." He chuckled. "I guess no cuddling, I'll leave." Bedlam stood up to go, waving. "Bye."
Meanwhile, a very terrified Janes sat outside the door.
"Dude, leave." Bedlam whispered as he passed him on the way out.
"Was going to wait for you to leave."
"Ah, okay." He kept walking out.
"Tell me what else has been going on."
"Not much. The Dojo blew up a few times, I'm the new tourney champ. That's about it."
"Yeah, nothing too big happens...well, for this place."