Edited by Stitch: 1/1/2018 7:27:16 PM"Hi, I might watch as Sarah stab you repeatedly...might be fun."
"Uh... what? Fill me in, I'm confused."
"You'll see how much Sarah dislikes you when you meet."
Edited by Splashback77: 1/1/2018 7:33:36 PM"I always known she's hated me. But it's still going on." He seemed rather sullen, "Some people won't change."
"Hmm. I won't actually let her kill you, just so you know. I'm not that mean."
"What's been going on...?" He asked.
"She got married to some guy, he died, I slept with her, another guy slept with her, now she's pregnant, and yeah."
"I was at the wedding you know. What happened to her and Finn?"
"Like I said, he died."
"Oh. And now she's a pregnant whòre?" He asked.
"Hey! Don't call her that!" Bedlam glared at James. "She's not a wh*re..."
He sighed, "Right, that was rather rude of me." Delphi seemed unhappy, "James.... you know better. I will make you hunt her down and apologize to her."
"He should apologize to her." Bedlam crossed his arms. "No one talks about one of my friends like that."
"Right. But where is she?" Delphi asked.
"Probably at her place, watching another season of one of her favorite shows."
"Well... she's changed a bit..."
"She has fallen into a bit of a depression, but I try and visit every single day so she's not too lonely."
"I feel sorry for her," he muttered.
"So do I, that's why I help her. I'm her friend and I won't stop until she's her old self again."
"If you show up with me, she won't be happy."
"Yeah, that's why I'm not going to. I can watch from afar." He chuckled.
"Alright..." He decided, "You know the way there."
"Uhh...here." Bedlam grabbed Jame's shoulder and teleported the two of them to Sarah's door before vanishing and appearing inside Sarah's apartment. "Sarah~? The most amazing person in the world is here!"
She had an Xbox controller in her hands. On the screen was Shadow of war. She was shooting a rather terrifying looking Captain with elf-shot. Sarah looked to Bedlam, smiling. But then she saw James, and yelled, "Lunar get the sword. Connect it to the controller's logic on my mark." "Uh oh...." James muttered.
"Oh, the door is open...hehe..." He nervously chuckled.