originally posted in:The New Dojo
[b][i]Angelo too his hand off his pistol, just to reaffirm him.[/i][/b] “If you need some help, I can assist.”
“Sorry, in some situations I prefer to be fast. Not in the important ones though...” [b][i]He said, sporting a devilish grin as he looked over to Blake[/i][/b]
"I'm wearing clothes, now. Not armor," James muttered.
“Well, hopefully that helps you warm up faster. Sorry if my knowledge is a bit rusty, I haven’t exactly dealt with someone coming back from the dead in a while.” [b][i]He said looking to James, before looking back at Blake.[/i][/b] “You want me to give you to a bit of time to catch up?”
"I wouldn't mind."
“Alright. I’ll give you guys a minute...” [b][i]Angelo said, moving over to Blake and giving him a quick kiss on the cheek before stepping outside. [/i][/b]
Blake blushed a bit.
[b][i]Angelo would wait outside for a bit for them to catch up, before returning into the room.[/i][/b]
The two were still chatting.
[b][i]Angelo knocked as he re-entered the room, just to make his presence known in case there was a touchy subject being discussed[/i][/b] “You guys mind if I come back in or should I just catch up with you tomorrow?”
"You can come in," Blake replied.
“Thanks.” [b][i]He said, smiling a bit.[/i][/b] “Well, guess it’s a good thing I decided to dip on a New Years party, found you instead.”
"I don't see how this is better," James shrugged.
“I don’t have to deal with drunks puking on me, flirts, I helped you get back to civilization, unless I have a reason I’m not a huge drinker anyways, and I get to be around Blake a bit more.” [b][i]He said, smiling a bit as he looked over at him.[/i][/b] “Overall better night in my book.”
"Good point," James replied.
“I’ll take it he’s caught you up on what’s been happening recently?”
James studied Angelo. Blake seemed to be a bit silent.
“I meant recent events. If I remember correctly, a guardian who was a decent deal in the crucible showed up, the city near here got torched, things like that.”
"There's always those running around," Blake shrugged. "Sentient fire, right?" James asked. "That's how Flame described it."
“Well, haven’t been around here as long as you two. Not generally used to that happening.”
"Angelo..." Blake said, sounding offended. "He has a point. There's a lot of Guardians that kick ass in the Crucible. Seriously," James noted. "You are in the presence of one of the people with the longest Free-for-All winstreak and killstreak," Blake added. "And the one who shut it down," James added, "Two thirds of the team that was first to go Flawless in Trials of Osiris. And the first to go Flawless solo. The only one who can consistently go positive dual-wielding sniper rifles, no shame."
[b][i]He laughed a bit[/i][/b] “I meant the sentient fire thing. Don’t worry babe, I have no doubt you kick ass.” [b][i]He said, looking over at Blake.[/i][/b] “maybe one day I’ll get to see a demonstration.” [i][b]He said. He turned to James now.[/b][/i] “And I’ll admit, dual wielding snipers in impressive. Most guys I’ve ever fought with in the field, that’d dislocate a shoulder.”
"Dude... the sentient fire broke my f**king shields and burned me alive," Blake added.
“Oh.” [b][i]Angelo said, his tone switching to a more somber one.[/i][/b] “I’m sorry, I didn’t know. Didn’t mean to make you upset.” [b][i]He said, sounding truly sorry for what he had said.[/i][/b]
"Still no idea on what caused it," Flame noted.
“If that’s been the only magical atrocity recently than I doubt its a rogue witch. Possibly a demon or something would be my guess.” [b][i]Angelo said[/i][/b]