originally posted in:The New Dojo
"If I meet this Mr. Moss in my travels I suppose it would only be fair if I said hello.
I did have a monitoring system for certain individuals using the Dojo's CCTV system to keep an eye on Persons of Interest."
He told Mason with reluctance. Sam never really liked sharing important bits of info like that, especially things that could prove to be a major advantage later.
However his tone quickly changed when he saw the mask, nodding in approval of it's various features and design.
"I do actually have a few concerns and additions I'd like to bring up. Although the mask is a wonderful tool in on itself...it lacks protection to blows from behind and above. Perhaps a hood made of that Myrrh Bazaar stuff would suffice?"
He jested, though he did bring up a good point.
"My second concern is the visual hazard...I can't even begin to pronounce that but anyways, is that protection from mental attacks or something else?"
"As for my additions I'd like to bring up a rather low point in time for Amoridia The Omicron Assault on New Haven.
When I had worked as one of the infamous Assets of A.S.F I had been briefed beforehand on a being that manifested 'curses' and the such called the Nuckelavee. When I had served my role as a distraction for it, a titanic shriek had erupted from it's mouth. The resulting shriek had disintegrated enemy armor and weaponry. I am asking you to replicate this through the mask, connected to my left gauntlet's module which coincidentally also uses curses.
Is this possible?"
With an affirmative shrug, Mason I putted a few more keys in his watch's digital keypad. "A hood is an easy supplement to the outfit. Not only that, but one that can also be easily hidden if you just wanna use the suit by itself." A couple more swipes produced images much different from the mask. Arcane patterns and swirls, along with a plethora of diagrams: mech-like armour, mechanical terminals with arcane runes built into its structure, and most importantly some sort of amalgam creature. A ravenous equine with the top half of a man melded to its centre mass. The true Nucklavee. "I heard about that one asset you bagged before all this started. If the database entries are correct - which they should be, since they're all directly from ASF files - then the summoning of a Nucklavee should be compatible. Oh," he added, surprise caught in his eyes, "seems that there's some footnotes. From one of ours, actually. Thaumaturgist notes about proper requirements for a contract." His eyes glanced back up to the terminals, identical to the ones set up to summon the beast on the night of the attack. "It seems that you'll have to have met a certain set of conditions before the summoning. Nothing one of the teams can't do and be on standby for, I guess. As for your gauntlet, perhaps we can emulate some of the beast's power through it, should you choose not to summon the full Nucklavee."
Samuel nodded to all of this, it was all very good. He was in fact rather eager to try this all out soon. "A hood that can be hidden would be suitable. As far as the populace will be concerned, Asset Heth is deceased. It's best to keep it that way." He said, seemingly talking to himself. It was true after all. Sam did indeed fake his death during the raid. "It's best if we keep the Nuckelavee on standby as a last resort. Let's only hope that any enemy we encounter that requires that doesn't have freshwater. Now onto the fun part: When can I try all this?"
"Well considering I have arguably the best automated tech available to our organization," A few more drones descended from the ceiling, hovering over to the machine tables who's metal arms were hard at work. "Right now, if you want." Held in another electromagnetic field, the small hovering bots brought two things to Sam - a crisp and clean suit, now liberated from its bloodstains and tatters, and the metal facsimile mask, its hollow eyes staring longingly at where Landeythan's would be soon enough.
"That I shall do. But you wouldn't happen to have somewhere I could put this on would you?" Sam asked the actually sensible question. [spoiler]really really shitty reply but I realized Sam isn't wearing his exosuit. and he has common sense[/spoiler]
A few of the drones separated from the others, their lights turning green as they drifted in front of Sam. "The drones will bring you to a change room. Don't worry, no hidden cameras or anything." He smiled, the joke not lost on a member of arguably one of the most secretive organizations in the Dojo.
He snickered as he grabbed the items and was led by the drones into a room, entering it and shutting it with them outside. Once he did that he immediately changed out of the typical winter gear for the charcoal suit and dress shoes. It fit as expected and was indistinguishable from any other ordinary suit. He did not find a tie necessary for now as he left the suit's jacket unbuttoned. Then it was into the mask which had gave given an uncomfortable presence which would give the light hearted a good fright. It felt like it was staring at him from across the room as he went to pick it up and place it on his face. With a final touch and a bit of patting around he had found the hood and put it over his head. No more was this Samuel Weiss, the contract killer. Replacing him was Landeythan, A Valravyn. He looked at himself from a mirror and found not his face but instead replacing it was a more cold, emotionless one. He found approval in it and then left the room with his winter gear in his arms back to Mason. "It's perfect Mason. Fits like it used to."
Satisfied, the older man gave a sigh of relief. "Good. While I love all my gadgets here, there are always glitches in any system. It would be a pain in the arse to try and do adjustments again, so I'm glad everything fit." His eyes studied the emotionless mask, inwardly admitting that it was quite offputting. "Don't think you need any fear memetics drawn onto that thing. Already unsettling as it is, if I'm being honest." More unsettling than what he let on. If it weren't for Sam's voice beneath the mask, he would've been liable to draw his hidden weapon just for safety precautions. But he didn't. He was in the midst of an ally, and a grateful one at that. "I'm ex-SAD," he explained, "a quartermaster, I guess you could say. But that doesn't really describe what we did in all honesty. The kind of education you got screened for as well as the kind of stuff you [i]learned...[/i] Amazing stuff. And I'm more than happy we have people like you who'll put my stuff to good use." Unlike his joke from earlier, he sounded completely genuine.
Edited by Obi-Emp Kenobi: 1/5/2018 2:29:08 AM"Over my years of being who I am, I've learned that I should appreciate gifts like these. I can only hope that any other [b]customers[/b] you get can do the same as well Mason." Samuel stood still for a moment as he pondered about something. The eeriness of the mix of the mask and silence taking effect almost immediately before he removed the hood and took the mask off. "There are many things one person can learn. I have a proposal for you Mason. What if I told you I had a friend who wishes to learn...more, like you did. His name is Daniel Creed and he's a ex-engineer from a PMC and a general whiz with technology. This can be quite the work doing it single handed, perhaps you could consider hiring him here?"
His eyes lit up. It often got lonely at Billhook, save for the customers of the Dojo who passed in and out. He never apprenticed anyone at SAD either, retiring early before that could happen. "Send his file to command for the standard screening. If it wasn't for that, I'd say send him over right now. As well as the drones are, it's always good to have a new set of ideas on deck."
Edited by Obi-Emp Kenobi: 1/6/2018 5:00:10 AMSamuel nodded as he placed the mask down on the counter and rifled through his winter greatcoat to grab his PDA. With a few presses and some scrolling he had sent the engineer's file to command for review. "Done. You should be getting a new employee if he passes. Once again thank you for the suit and the mask, it was a pleasant surprise." Samuel told Mason as he put the PDA back in it's original spot. He was certainly one of the more kinder people he met in his travels. "Farewell Mason, I'll come here if I need anything that requires your personal touch." [spoiler]End if you want.[/spoiler]