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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
1/1/2018 5:24:42 PM
[u]New year? Well time to hunt a Yeti [/u] [spoiler]...Did I just turn Red Riding Hood into a non witcher Geralt of Rivia?[/spoiler] The Morning after all the new years celebrations for most seemed to likely be a lazy day. The winter made for a fantastic time for Alexis to sell lumber to those with wood stoves and fireplaces. It was a cold day of work but being so easy to make sales, She had to make sure to keep her inventory up. Besides, she had more than enough animal hides to fasten a fur layer to her large red cloak. After a morning of hauling tree after tree she headed into her cabin to warm up and see what was going on in the news and while she was at it, were there any interesting bounties fitting of her expertees? After a bit of scrolling on her laptop with a cup of coffee to warm her hands, she found one that seemed just crazy enough to be right up her alley. :Twelve dead and several hikers wounded atop an unmarked trail up in the Ko Rudo Mountains. Survivors report, a large white furred mammal with immense strength and a loud primitive physique. Do not approach: She scrolled through the article and found a link to its price on a bounty website. 200,000 dollars for the proof of its death. It must have been near a commercial trail for a price that large. Alexis picked up her weaponry and headed out to Dojoville to see if anyone wasn't suffering too hard of a hangover and see if anyone was interested in splitting the reward. Red was great against werewolves with her arsenal of silver but something told her this think on the mountain, wasn't going to have the disadvantages of her usual targets. [spoiler]Open! Tis a boss fight.[/spoiler]

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  • Indeed, a [url=]man[/url] would arrive. He wore a strange leather jacket that seemed to do nothing against the the cold, yet he did not shiver. He had a sword sheathed on his back, and a secondary slightly curved blade at his hip. A single medallion hang around his neck and Alexis would recognize it as a Witcher medallion. A Witcher? The perfect partner for hunting a werewolf, yeti, you name it. Though, multiple people would whisper as he passed by, which raised some alarms as to who he was.

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  • She only knew the bare basics about witchers, but Alexis did know enough to know they were the right kind of people for the situation. She caught up with him and pulled her hood back to get a better look. There was a slight jingle of chain-mail which she had weaved into her cloak that could be heard when she was catching up. "Hey, know the mountains up north pretty well? There's some money to be made out there if your interested in helping me out" She said flipping through her smartphone. She must have copied the link and saved it on her phone. It was the news article she read from before with the bounty price below that she had on her screen to show the man.

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  • "I am always interested in discovering a new source of revenue." [i]The Witcher came to a halt in his walk, turning to face the woman. [/i] "What is this device you hold?" [i]He gestured to the mobile phone, most likely not knowing what it was. [/i]

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  • Red looked down at her phone. Right, she thought, best not to confuse someone who was likely not around modern tech too often. "Just a small box with information in it. I guess a large animal is being territorial near the public, they want it taken care of before it kills anymore people. Really good reward, kind of risky" She tucked the phone back into one of the several pockets that lined the hooded cloak she wore. She planned on renting a snowmobile if she could but Alexis doubted her new aquatemce would understand what one was. Still, she could just have him ride on the back one with her. Oh well, best to ask just to make sure. "I'm not really sure if you would know what I'm talking about but I'm probably going to rent a snowmobile to get there quickly. I can get a two seater if you want to ride with me"

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  • "Yes...." [i]The Witcher nodded his head, seemingly lost in thought at something. Finally, he extended a hand. [/i] "My name is Alric. It would be a pleasure to ride with you. To defeat whatever this beast may be." [i]Alric gave a smile to Red, his hand still extended for a shake. [/i]

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  • "Alexis though most just call me Red." She said shaking the man's hand. She had a peculiarly masculine grip to her handshake. She started walking off, likely looking for a rental place for something to ride. From the wind there was a quick peek at the small armory she had stashed on the inside of the cloak. Spare swords, a couple axes and row after row of throwing knives along with a revolver holstered to her hip. It was a small armory worn like a cloak.

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  • "It is an honour to meet you, my lady Alexis." Alric had naught more then the sword on his back and the second one at his hip. And only one of those would truly be useful against the Yeti. The two flintlock pistols strapped to his chest, most likely being similar. One carrying silver, the other steel. Most notably were the number of potions and bombs he had strapped around his body. Most of them being seen in a satchel he wore that looked similar to a purse.

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  • Alexis took a quick glance at his gear on the way to renting out a two seated snow mobile. She payed a vendor and got a set of keys to the machine and a set of goggles. The ski goggles went over her head and she hopped on and turned it over.

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  • Alric hopped onto the snow mobile behind Alexis and wrapped his arms around her.

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  • A long trip upon the ridges, the duo came across a resort that sat on the mountain. Only a few cars were parked inside the lot, likely from news. Red hopped off making her way to the door. "Alright, let's see if we can find a manager, or whatever. Check if the bounty still stands." No wonder the bounty was so high. The recent events must have been scaring regular goers and killing off profit.

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  • "I have heard many tales of the Yetis in the mountains. But none of those tales are as violent as this one..." Alric followed Alexis, casting a worried eye around the area.

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  • "Yeah, never really needed to hunt them in the past..." A quick sweep around the room revealed only a few employees, even fewer visitors and someone with a name tag and the title manager underneath a name. Alexis took a moment to talk with the man and while unfortunate to them, the bounty still stood. She came back over to Alric while she made sure to put a few rounds in the chamber of her revolver. "Good news, it's still available, bad news, I guess it's been holding up a ski trail for the past few hours. God forbid it decides to attack the lift."

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  • "Better for us to know the beast's location. So that we may attack it correctly. With a plan."

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  • "True, usually I just look for any stray hair that got caught around the brush to track animals. Have something in mind?" She said as the finished loading the gun. She holstered it back on her hip and looked back over at Alric to pay a bit more attention to see if he had a plan.

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  • "Yes. Step one would detail our arrival at the ski slope." The Witcher started walking, going through the cold toward the last reported siting of the beast.

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  • "Fair enough" Alexis followed on their way up the slope fidgeting with a throwing knife to pass the time on the hike up. "So, witcher right? Anything your willing to tell me about your guys. I mean I know you hunt monster but other than that, hmm not so much"

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  • "There are many things the companies comprise a Witcher. We take several trials to test our resolve. The Witchers have senses that allow us to hunt at a higher level than even the greatest trained hunter." Alric gave a brief summary of some of the things that made a Witcher.

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  • "Huh, sounds like a werewolf without all the hair and snarling" She joked as they reached the summit. From the looks of things, something was definitely in the area earlier. Footprints were scattered all over the place along with a few trees the were partially uprooted from something massive slamming against them. There was even a small amount of blood on the snow from where it likely cut itself while it was rampaging along the area.

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  • "An interesting scene." Alric's eyes seemed to become slightly more orange as he knelt down and pressed his fingers in the blood. He brought it up, taking a whiff and trying to determine how old the blood was.

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  • To some surprise it was still slightly warm to the touch. It had to have been spilled only a few minutes at most. Alexis tapped his shoulder pointing at what looked like a small crudely made stick hut that wasn't noticeable until a certain angle. It looked empty judging by the opening but a low growling was heard echoing through the wooded area.

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  • "The blood is still warm, so the beast is injured. Tending to its wounds as best as it can. Seems severe. Blood loss, the arcs in the snow..." Alric rose tall, drawing the straight blade on his back. It gleamed and Red realized it was a silver blade. He started walking toward the hut, keeping the sword pointed downward.

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  • Red pulled a silver gladius from her cloak along with an axe that seemed fairly similar to one that would be used to chop wood only differing due to a sturdier handle. The growling grew a more hostile before a trunk was thrown just above their head as a primitive threat. Standing 50 feet into the distance a massive ape looking creature stood with a slash across its chest. Likely from another hunter turned victim to its brutality. From the distance it had to have been 8 feet tall with the force of a mammoth behind its muscles. "Well we found it." Red said looking at the intimidating giant. "Now to hope we can kill it"

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  • "We must do what we must." Alric agreed, starting his walk toward the beast. He spun the blade in his hand, making a hand gesture.

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  • The beast was quick to make its true on its threat and began barreling at the two on all fours. Alexis quickly switched her axe for her revolver and fired off a few rounds at its face. The bullets only manage to pierce its flesh but it's skull was too dense for even her 45s to break through. It was closing the gap and it would be in melee range rather fast.

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  • Alric came to a sudden halt, one of his hands dipping into his pouch and bringing out an orb of some sort. He lobbed it straight at the beast's face, a explosion going off as it stuck.

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