originally posted in:The New Dojo
[b]Rise of the Overthrower[/b]
[i]James' Grave, 00:00[/i]
James awoke. He seemed to be alive. He was breathing, again. He wondered, how was he alive. The Titan breathed in. He breathed out.
"What is going...? I'm supposed to be dead," he muttered.
A fourteen-year-old young girl looked a lot like a younger Sarah.
"You," he spoke.
"Hello James," the girl spoke.
"You... why did you bring me back, I was living the perfect afterlife! I got tortured only every other day!" James asked.
"Sssh," she said, "Just be happy you're back."
"Why? I don't want to be back!"
The girl's right hand lit up with whitish-blue light as a disk of fire of the same color surrounded her right eye.
The hand sent a tether of this power as it hit James' forehead.
[i]You are glad to be back[/i], she spoke.
"I'm glad to be back."
[i]You want to stay alive.[/i]
"I want to stay alive."
[i]You will go find Sarah.[/i]
"I will go find Sarah," he repeated.
In her left hand, his Ghost, Delphi, rebuilt itself and came online, thanks to this mysterious power.
The girl disappeared. And he grabbed the side of his head, "Ow..."
[spoiler]HAHAHA! He's BAAAACK.[/spoiler][spoiler]Open.[/spoiler]
"Ah, okay." He kept walking out.
"Tell me what else has been going on."
"Not much. The Dojo blew up a few times, I'm the new tourney champ. That's about it."
"Yeah, nothing too big happens...well, for this place."
"Anything else I need to know?" James asked.
"Nope." Bedlam vanished. [spoiler]end[/spoiler]
[b][i]Being dark out, Angelo had seen the flash of light in the dark forest. He had come out to the forest to get away from the noise of parties for a moment: being the entertainer he was still he could only tolerate so much of it. As he saw the light, he moved over to investigate, still having his pistol and knife hidden on him. He shouted as he approached[/i][/b] “Hello?”
"Uh, hello?" James asked, "Who's there?" He looked at his newly reactivated Ghost, "Delphi...?"
[b][i]Angelo’s face appeared out of the brush as he saw James, his hand on the pistol at his side. He didn’t make any motion to draw it, before speakingz[/i][/b] “First if you have any weapons, do not draw them. Second, my name is Angelo.”
"I'm sorry... I'm... confused. What's been going on? I was dead... permanently, I thought." The dirty-blonde haired Titan began to turn around in a circle. "Where are you?"
“Oh, sorry.” [b][i]He said, as he stepped out of the brush for James to see.[/i][/b] “As for what’s going on, it’s New Year’s Day, And you’re in a world called Tatakai. Not sure if you remember that or not if you were dancing with the devil.”
He turned to Angelo, "Oh... Tatakai. That's where I died. In these woods." He sighed, "My apologies, Angelo. My name is James Smith. Do you happen to know a Sarah Grey?"
“The names familiar, I think I’ve heard it in conversation before. Guardian, right?” [b][i]He said. His eyes widened a bit when he heard the name James, though he didn’t know how Blake might react to seeing his friend again[/i][/b]
"Right. Most of my friends are Guardians," he reminisced.
“Yeah. Lits just say they were pretty broken up about you.” [b][i]He says to inform him.[/i][/b] “If you want, there’s more or less a town nearby where they’re at. I can bring you there if ya want.”
"If Chase and Blake were... I would expect. Sarah probably celebrated the asshole who slit my throat."
“Didn’t know her much, so I can’t tell you. Blake and Chase though, yeah they took it tougher.” [b][i]He said[/i][/b] “I’ll take it you can walk?”
He carefully took a step forward, "I... think so."
[b][i]Angelo too his hand off his pistol, just to reaffirm him.[/i][/b] “If you need some help, I can assist.”
"It's going to be hard, having to get used to moving around, again."
“Just one foot in front of the other. Take it slow for now.”
He slowly started to walk. Moving each foot, one in front of the other.
Edited by Lordbakon: 1/1/2018 8:07:04 PM[b][i]Angelo began to lead the way back, moving slowly so James could keep up. He didn’t know if Blake or the others would be up, but he hoped they would.[/i][/b]
[spoiler]*James[/spoiler] James carefully would follow. He stumbled a few times.