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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
12/31/2017 6:39:38 AM
[b]Making Things Right:[/b] [i]Dojo Woods[/i] Breaking through the low-hanging mists of the Tatakai woodlands, [url=]a small repulser-craft[/url] touched down in a clearing, its nearly silent engines barely disturbing the tranquil wildlife surrounding the area. Pushing the cockpit forward, the tint craft’s infamous occupant revealed himself, his crimson jacket contrasting with the surrounding pale greens and blues. Drake looked around with his prosthetic eye, double-checking the coordinates that Alpha had given him when she’d reportedly seen Caroline here, only a day earlier. Within a few seconds, he spotted the crashed wreckage of a Frontier vessel lying a few hundred meters Northwest of his position. ‘[i]So she made it out alive...[/i]’ Drake thought to himself, sighing a deep breath of relief. The pleasant moment didn’t last. His relief was followed directly by a grim reminder of his mistakes. He’d left her up there to die... from her perspective, he must’ve been some cowardly scumbag, who was merely interested in watching his own back. ‘[i]And she’s not entirely wrong there either,[/i]’ he thought sarcastically, as he shouldered his rucksack of supplies and made his way towards the crash. Hopefully Caroline was still there. [spoiler]Open to Kruos. [/spoiler]

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