originally posted in:The New Dojo
[spoiler][b][u]D A V I D[/u][/b][/spoiler]
[i]Another attacker would jab towards David from the side, while the assassin that was now missing his blade would throw the hilt at the Titan's head, only to draw a dagger.[/i]
He would jump back, ducking to avoid the flying hilt. "I promised my mother I wouldn't kill anyone while I was here."
"Sir, perhaps [i]stunning[/i] would be of more use then-" [i]Camella yelled out, as she didn't seem to have as much morals against stunning. She would grapple her attacker's arm, suddenly snapping it as the assassin screamed in intense pain.[/i] [i]The assassin with a weapon still would approach David, before flicking a knife towards him, the blade flying for his chest.[/i]
The knife hit its mark, embedding itself into his armor, but not piercing it. David gripped the Dark-Drinker in his left hand as he tore out the blade with his right. He dropped the knife. A bit of his light sparked in his right hand, sparking with lightning. "Oh no..." he muttered. He closed his hand to stop it. Then he threw the bit of Arc Light away from him and at the assassin. The light would crackle, as it made a loud bang and flashed loudly. His first flashbang.
[i]The assassin would yell out, clutching his eyes while his companion would do the same. Camella, as she knew militaristic equipment, would be smart enough to force her opponent to look at the flash and close her own eyes, before then sending them to the ground and knocking them out.[/i]
The flash wore down as the assassins were blinded. David approached blinded assassins, taking off their helmets and knocking them out the the flat of his blade. "So... what should we do with them, now."
"I don't.. don't.." [i]Camella tried to speak, though her face went pale, as she would gulp and study the wound inflicted upon her. The wound had begun to shift into a light yellow hue, before becoming a sickly green color.[/i] [i]Poison.[/i] "...David," [i]Camella went quiet, trying to keep calm.[/i] "Guards w-will arrest them. Just.. n-no matter what, get me to the palace. U-Understand? There's medics f-for this there." [i]She looked as if she would fall over, at any second.[/i]
"Amethyst," he requested, "Highlight where the nearest medic is." "That will do, Davey." "Don't call me that." He scooped up Camela in a bridal-style carry.
[i]Camella would gag in a pained wheeze, holding onto David as if he was her only hope, and she wasn't wrong. David would have to hurry to the palace.[/i]
He tranfused a small bit of his light to try to stabilize her as he rushed to the palace. "Medic!" He shouted.
[i]As David would reach the palace, hushed screams and gasps escaped the crowds of nobles, as a few medics would escort Camella to a medical chamber.[/i] [i]Bells rang throughout the city, bells that rang of despair and foreboding.[/i] [i]Something was terribly wrong.[/i] [spoiler]Fin, for now.[/spoiler]