originally posted in:The New Dojo
[u]Aw, crap. Hold on.[/u]
*She pulled a notebook from one of her pockets and set it on the counter. She began to rummage around in her pockets for something else, but came up empty handed. She shrugged and nudged the notebook toward him.*
[u]I forgot to mention that I’m deaf, and I don’t know sign language nor can I read lips, so you’re going to have to write in that notebook. I forgot where I put my pencil, though. You have one right?[/u]
A deaf anthropomorphic white tiger. Life couldn't get much stranger. As prepared as he was for a job in the Dojo, he was still surprised. He produced a pen from his pocket and began scribbling down in the notebook. [quote][i]Door will cost you about $250 for repairs. And sorry, we're not a community shower. Can't clean your friend.[/i][/quote]
[u]Dang. I’ll have to find somewhere else then. Here’s the money.[/u] *She took out her wallet and handed him three hundred dollars.* [u]People tell me I shouldn’t carry so much money, but this wouldn’t be the first time I’ve accidentally damaged a building.[/u] *She hoisted Sketch over her shoulder, her eyes widening as he made a gurgling sound.* [u]Uhm... This place has washers like a laundromat, right? I think my shirt just got dirty...[/u]
Signalling with his free hand, a couple of drones defended from the ceiling and fetched a plain cotton sweater a bit larger than the female's size. "Borrow some of my clothes and I'll wash your shirt quickly after you change out of it. Free of charge." He pocketed the $300, pretty adept with one hand for someone who supported most of his weight with a cane and leg brace.