Thunk. Thunk. The heavy sounds of the large man's boots hitting the floor echoed inside the shop as he took his first steps in after opening the door. Over his shoulder was a sack of clothes (presumably), and a wallet in his other hand. He was three inches over the six foot mark, with the muscle mass to match. An axe of sorts hung at his waist, double bladed and thick, but a weapon wasn't uncommon around these areas. His clothes were that of a sleeveless white tee and khaki shorts. His hair was thick and red, and was nearly combed on top, as if only a few minutes of effort had been put in. The same could be said about the medium length beard. Putting the clothes on the ground, he spoke in a smooth and deep voice. A tired listener might have fallen asleep!
"Got a hefty load, tavern ain't as busy now that the tourney crowd is out. But I still gotta load to clean. Thank gosh you guys showed up, the river never got the smell out!"
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