"Shoo! Have fun! Try not to get killed!"
[i]"Are you trying to get rid of me?" [/i]
"No. I'm just trying to help get you started. If I was trying to get rid of you then I'd just go away."
[i]"Oh. Well, what do I start with then?" [/i]
"Probably find a place to sleep, learn the location and where things are, maybe meet a few people."
[i]"I already know a few people, but I agree that finding someplace to sleep is a priority. Do you know of any good places I could hang my hat for a few weeks?" [/i]
"Do you have any sort of currency?"
[i]"Roughly one thousand Glimmer, is all. Otherwise I have a friend in Khalosh who might let me stay with him." [/i]
"I doubt I'm allowed to bring you back to my place so...you may have to go with that."
[i]"Ooh, your ladyfriend doesn't like visitors, huh?" Meg jokingly asked, nudging him on the arm. [/i]
Bedlam rolled his eyes with a chuckle. "I live with no so called lady friend so that's not it. My sister is the one that would probably have a problem with it."
[i]"Oh. Yeah, sisters can be assholes sometimes." [/i]
"I wouldn't call Jamie an *sshole. She might not be related by blood, but I consider her a sister none the less and I'd never call a sibling that."
[i]"Ah, sorry for calling her that then." [/i]
"It's alright, you didn't really mean it." He shrugged. "I could help you pay rent for an apartment here."
[i]"You would do that for someone you just met?" [/i]
"Yeah, I don't see why not." Bedlam chuckled.
[i]"Awesome, thank you so much dude." [/i]
"It's nothing really. I'm just glad to see another face around here."
[i]"Likewise." [/i]
"Well, you find an apartment and I'll pay for it, okay? You should look before it gets dark."
[i]"Alright. Wanna come with?" [/i]
"I have to fix the truck, but I'll see you later. Okay?"
[i]"Alright, I'll talk to you later then." And with that, Meg walked away. [/i]