"Well, more like brought there by an old friend..." Bedlam's tone had a hint of not wanting to go too far into the subject.
"Riiight then."
"I'm sure you'll grow a lot here if you don't die immediately. The place is rather deadly and Guardians have been around long enough for people to know to kill the Ghost."
[i]"Well, if I don't -blam!- up then they can't kill me, yeah?" [/i]
"True enough. There's some tough sh*t around here, but you'll be fine if you punch well enough."
[i]"That's part of the plan." [/i]
"Hmm. Not a bad plan, I like it. Hey, how much longer of a drive anyway?"
[i]"At least ten hours." [/i]
"....Want me to get us both there instantly?"
[i]"How the hell? Yeah!" [/i]
"'Aight." Bedlam yawned, touching the Guardian's shoulder before the two would instantly find themselves sitting in front of the Dojo gates. "Good? Disoriented?"
[i]"...I don't know what just happened to the car." [/i]
"Uhh..." Bedlam nervously laughed. "May have just randomly crashed somewhere."
[i]"Shiiiiit my friend is going to kill me later..."[/i]
"Oh sh*t, my bad. Sorry, I'll go find the truck and fix it up."
[i]"Thanks, dude." [/i]
"No problem, go look around and later today you'll find it sitting here in perfect condition and a new paint job...probably."
[i]"Alright..." [/i]
"Shoo! Have fun! Try not to get killed!"
[i]"Are you trying to get rid of me?" [/i]
"No. I'm just trying to help get you started. If I was trying to get rid of you then I'd just go away."
[i]"Oh. Well, what do I start with then?" [/i]
"Probably find a place to sleep, learn the location and where things are, maybe meet a few people."
[i]"I already know a few people, but I agree that finding someplace to sleep is a priority. Do you know of any good places I could hang my hat for a few weeks?" [/i]
"Do you have any sort of currency?"