None of your business, but since you asked I’ll give you some insight, I work in film production, made enough to relocate from Canada to Australia, and now I do the same work in a different country living the good life.
No complaints on my end, try being happy maybe?
Didn't ask for your life story lmfao now im 100% sure you need attention from strangers lmfaoo pathetic life.
Lol your hate is glorious, your salt feeds my joy, keep it up
I am absolutely just chilling rn looking at your attention seeking posts and since im a nice person ill keep giving you it since youre in desperate need of it :)
Lulz, need something for that butt hurt?
Youre a grown ass man saying "lulz" lmao grow up and get a grip on your life. Pretty sad.
Why do you care so much?, the anger in each of your posts is astonishing. Keep feeding my joy with your glorious salt :). (That’s a grown ass man using a happy face too) LULZ
I dont really care. I just find it amusing. Its like im in a zoo and youre like a animal that everyone walks by and doesn't give a shit about. Very very amusing.
Lol, your salt is too glorious at this point